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Kind of a interesting thought as I was playing comp yesterday. What does it mean if...


Andy Williams

Kind of a interesting thought as I was playing comp yesterday.
What does it mean if you got a different boarder, over 300hours in a hero and be stuck as a gold player? Doesn’t it kinda piss you off you’re not really ranking up?

This person wasn’t bad, tho it’s crazy that you can have so many hours in a game and 1 hero but stay in a tier for pretty much a new comer to the game. You would think they would be a lot higher by now.
Just a wild thought is all.

Eric Blake Arlan

I'm stuck in gold and I'm one of the best hanzo you'll ever see. Maybe even wraxu good. I play with my friends a lot though, and we goof off,too much

Tricia Stevens

My first impression would be that they never played cool and just now got into it? Not everyone who plays a lot is into comp.

Davey Anthony


Mike Allan

Depends on how serious you are. Lots of people just friend queue and don't care about gaining SR, they just wanna play comp ruleset. Others always queue in with a set group that wants to win and will flex around, or will solo queue. Some players that reach a high enough rank will even buy a second account to play with friends at lower ranks

Moshi Manaenkov

Ranking up doesn't always depend on your skills but on the skills of all the team that you matched with... and unfortunately many times not all the players have the same drive to win like individual for example.

Lauren Hutter

Lack of positioning and game sense. You can be good at aiming/playing a character, but game-sense has to be acquired.

Matthew Sartain

Naw, I spent my first 100 hours as a torbjorn main, then started improving after that.

Amanda Schnaare

Nope doesn’t piss me off one bit. My level took more effort to get than some crap rank. I’m good

Jerry Allen-Foshee

I'm old. And about to have a silver border. My theory is that too much of my brain's processing power is spent on working the controller. When I first started playing videos games, there was ONE joystick and ONE button. Now that my brain is old, I just started playing FPS and I suck. It's alright though. I love the game. It really sucks though, when you hear "Look! There's a five star! In silver! BWAHAHAHA" FUCK off you little 10 year old shit heads! Lol

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