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Just had a dude in my team who asked me to switch off Torb so he could go Torb as that...


Emma Rebecca

Just had a dude in my team who asked me to switch off Torb so he could go Torb as that was his main, so I did, but when I switched off Torb he didn't go Torb even though he'd specifically asked for him, so I went back to Torb again just as the match started bc if he wasn't going to switch I wasn't messing around, and then he started having a go at me for 'not letting him go Torb' like idk if some people in this game are simply idiots or if they troll so hard it just appears that they're a moron. If I switch off a hero you want that means you can go as that hero. If I'm saying "go Torb' in the chat, that means I've let you switch to Torb.

Mike Wang

He was probably just slow to switch heroes, but that's more his fault than yours.

Santiago Jara

I mean, the match hadn't started, everyone fucks around in the spawn before a match...

Hiten Kadam

What Map were You playing Torb on??

Aadil Saqib

He probably just wanted no Torb in the game

Brandon Larren

Who plays Torb on attack anyway smh

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