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I've seen a lot about the old voodoo cards lately. i was surprised not to find them on...

  • Thread starter Sean Christopher Ohman
  • Start date

Sean Christopher Ohman

I've seen a lot about the old voodoo cards lately. i was surprised not to find them on ebay. Anyways, I was wondering... do the voodoo cards have good support (up to date open source drivers) in Linux? i'm thinking quake 3 for linux is probably beautiful on a 3dfx voodoo 5.

Patrick Thomas

"Good" is probably relative.
Drivers for linux (or *nix in general) are never as good as those written by manufacturers for Windows, nor is the 3d subsystem.
There's also the fact that Quake3 doesn't use glide any more, and never did on *nix :)
Long story short, there's really nothing particularly "interesting" about that combo (unless of course these things interest a person in the 1st place).
What linux (and many other open source oses) do offer is hardware combinations to run software that aren't options on Windows + the commercial releases of said software. This is however of limited value, as open source variations of said software is usually "fixed" to work on newer versions of Windows anyway.

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