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Xbox One I've noticed a great many people asking questions, sometimes the same question over...


Vincent Gaskins

I've noticed a great many people asking questions, sometimes the same question over and over again. I understand how this can get really annoying at times but is that an excuse to be an asshole? I think not. I'm aware of trolls repeatedly doing this but they're expecting a negative response, it's what they thrive on. The best way to kill a troll is with kindness. Yes, I know that Google is a few clicks away but most people join this group to ask questions. People should be flattered to share their experience but instead I've seen the exact opposite. Thank the admins that this group does indeed have some worth while people who are always in the mood to help others. You guys and gals are awesome! I know what I've said here today will fall mostly on deaf ears and I know I'll be getting tons of hate and negativity for this but all I got to say is "bring it on, I've already won." Just chill and answer the damn question. How hard is that?

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