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Xbox One I've been through 13 severs in 2 n a half weeks because every time I start to build n...


Dalton Underwood

I've been through 13 severs in 2 n a half weeks because every time I start to build n get set up I get whipped multiple time to where it's not fun anymore. On every single sever idk what to do can anyone comment a friendly sever

Alexis McLeod

Play PVE if you want to keep your stuff, not saying it to be a jerk but truthfully. What's the point in playing PVP, building up, putting all your work into your tribe to have no competition, no people jealous of that work, no one to keep you sharp? If you lose the fight, take the L and appreciate the fun you had getting to that point, then build again in a stronger and more efficient way.

Jenna Sgarlata-Wilds

feel your pain there. sent you a pm.

Travis Dixon

I have a server it’s not that active yet so you can build up and no ones aggressive and if you want a starter pack I have 250 pteras and thylas as starter with some other goodies

Travis Dixon

TwoFuzzyNugz gamertag and TwoFuzzyNugz fb page

Micheal Coles

Everyone on here is built up ATM join the fb page and put your tribe name in there we will give you a grace period anyone who raids you will have to let you into there base or we will blow it open for you and you can have what you want in there, also I can assist with a starter pack I'd need be

Brandon Stuart

My tribe got wiped 5 time in 5 days in one week

Aaron James Norris


Riley Weik

Looking for a fresh server??? Wanna step away and have some fun? Or just tired of your old server? Well then we want you! Well populated atm and on Ragnarok. We are a full pvp server. With only 3 rules. 1.)No foundation wipes. So get in get out. 2.)No passive tame kills. 3.)everyone has a chance to build. So off limits new players are off limits for 7 days. It gives new players a chance to get set up. We are also adding server wide events. As in dodo fighting, battle royal, hunger games, maze runs and more. All new survivors will receive a starter pack of tools and weapons. You will receive a full set of axes a cross bow and 50 tranq arrows. Just add the GT Arklabs when joined just ask for and Steady Mobbin if non respond please just be patient and they will get to you asap. Join GT Arklabs to play but message Weiksauce, Manhorse6969 for starter pack.

You are protected for the first 7 days you are in the sever

Paige Martin

If you're looking for official server my tribe is looking to recruit

Sarah Love

Try playing PVE it's nice to stay in a base and breed and tame, just watch your tongue or you can get kited, but not bad and only when online so you will know. There is offline damage prevention

Abi Esqueda

If you wanna join us you can. Right now looking for members on a pvp official rag mew servers. Set up enought with turrets ans stuff if you wanna join

Sarah Love

Don't play pvp if you don't want to get wiped! Duh

Chris Henley

Welcome to ARK

Charly Blackwell

There is no "friendly" PvP servers.

Dalton Matthews

Just play Conan lol

Jordan Lundy

There are no friendly servers period. PvP or pve your gonna run into dicks. Pve is worse honestly because you can do way worse to somebody that you can't kill over some1 you can. I played pve for a week. That was the best loot I've ever stolen from players since I've played ark. People get too comfy on pve and leave themselves open for raiding. Yeah raiding isn't killing and destroying things but more so locking you up stealing your shit and never leaving their new base they just essentially stole from you. Stick to PvP yo. It's the way the game was ment to be played. Build up with stone fast get plant x growing on day 1. Focus on defenses nothing else can last a few days. Get yourself a bunch of dilos every1 you see tame it. Put them in your base not around but inside on aggressive turret mode target range high. You shouldn't run into many problems then. Also right when you get into a server use a troll character or one you made to server search and search areas, talk shit to other tribes, fuck with people, find who's who and where they are. Then bring your main toon over and start building but stay out of chat with main guy.

Stephen Goddin


Adam James Francis

13 servers? I've been on one for almost a year

Shaun M Draz

Pve Na xbox official theisland 209

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