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I've been taking an in Zarya and was curious what it takes to be an effective Zarya on...

  • Thread starter Clifford Redline Russell
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Clifford Redline Russell

I've been taking an in Zarya and was curious what it takes to be an effective Zarya on a team?

Russell Anderson

Bubbles Are key

Clifford Redline Russell

I might be wrong but it seems like as far as the tanks go she's on the weaker side. What actually are the circumstances that necessitate her being in the match?

Brian Gomez

Don't bubble yourself unless you're focused, bubble the idiot dps that decided to go in front. Then hold said friendly bubble for smarter players after said dps dies. Save your ultimate to pair with other ultimates. Use your environment to hide behind. Not completely hide but for peeking in and out if they have a dva or genji make sure they don't eat or reflect said ultimate. Bubbling healers will make them favor you over anyone

Zac Harrison

My girl Zarya is lit... she is best utilised as an off tank.. paired well with reinhardt.. she be added to any team comp if dps is lacked.. but if you want to 3 tank 2 heals 1 dps comp.. shes the tank you use..

Adam Senior

She literally can end a round , a well placed graviton with almost any ult from doomfist and moira , junk , trace and genj , road , dva . It's a deadly combo , timing your bubbles are key , never put it on heading straight in to a fight , always wait to see what the enemy are doing , use bubbles on someone who is diving ... always , Winston, genj , dva etc

Christian Davis

Bubble at the right moment. If you keep your energy above 80% you'll be both an effective tank and Damage.

Christian Davis

And don't get me started on her ult. that will literally change the game if you combo with another's ult.

Luke Wright

High charge (bubble managment) and fast ults. When high charge spam that alt click as much as you possibly can while using the primary for reflecting genji's and stuff like that. You'll charge your ult so damn fast, her ult is the most effective part of her.

You don't HAVE to pair your ultimate with anyone. Just learn great placements to use and make sure your team are aware your going to use it. The most important part to her, otherwise there will be no follow up. Obviously a paired ult is good, but if you and your team feel you can win the fight with just Zarya's then you gotta learn placments for that. That's the beauty of her ult, you don't need to pair it aslong as your team are ready to follow it up creating the damage afterwards.

Christian Davis

Oh and also an enemy is your best friend. I've learnt you get your ult faster by shooting her, especially when she uses her shield.

Sami Ullah

tanks depend heavily on the enemy team composition ! picking zarya requires a keen knowledge on what the enemy team is runnin ! other then that shield those noobies so they don't die and hit BOMB ASS ULTS

Tiago Granadeiro

Time your bubbles correcty, feed alot of yourself with damage and pick your targets correctly. Also never ulti when Dva has mec or just after she used her matrix.

Adib Dimassi

-Tell rein to put his shield down when u bubble him
-always bubble targets that are being rushed like support
-bubble your dps when they ult/flank
-junkrat is your energy fuel
-combo your ult with other players

Magnus Bjarnarson

Three Words
Get ult quick

Andres Barbosa

Hit and run

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