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It makes me sad when people berate you for not picking a character that they want you...


Mina Davis

It makes me sad when people berate you for not picking a character that they want you to play. I had a match last night where our Rein was getting fucked up with 3 dps who were upset because I switched from heals to a second tank to help him out and they said I was throwing. We ended up winning though so it worked. I just babysat Mercy with my bubbles and we were fine solo healing.

Raheem Illmatic Taylor

Ummmmmm yeah 3DPS??? Fuck that, blame your fuckhead ass DPS teammates, 1 tank will NOT win comp games. 2 tanks is mandatory, even before 2 healers. You did the correct thing.

Ahmad Husaini

Pretty much the mentality of only winning, and not wanting to improve.
Thus they find excuses to blame others.

Jhonatan Remigio

Yeah it's frustrating when dps players refuse to switch then get upset at the healer for being kind and doing what they gotta do to help out

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