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Is Zenyatt's ult good to save for countering other ults? Seriously, I've tried to time...


Corey Gordon

Is Zenyatt's ult good to save for countering other ults? Seriously, I've tried to time Zenyatt's ult the best that I can, but I believe my timing is off, besides Zarya or Genji ults, in certain fights where there are no ults being used, but were losing the fight.

I am having an awful time timing or using my ult correctly. I love Zenyatta, but my ult timing/usage is seriously lacking.

John Flanagan

Eh it depends. It helps if you're able to keep track of when an enemy is gunna ult. Like you could use it to save your team during a losing team fight but once you pop a zen ult if the enemy dps has an ult they're probably gunna use it right after your trans is done and then you'll lose the team fight anyway so it's like delaying the inevitable anyway and your down a support ult. His ult is very situational and it depends on a lot so it's hard to say for sure

Jevgenija Zhukova

I hit the Q whenever I hear angry Japanese or just incoming enemy ult. I’m not perfect at it too but this guideline helps xD I main and love Zenyatta, got golden weapon for him <3

Ryan Lewis

I already tried with self destruct it only saves you

Zachary Saul

If you see a bunch of people on critical, pop it. You could potentially save a push/hold

Adam Ricks

Keep in mind that only you become invulnerable when ulting, not the rest of your team. So ults that do a lot of burst damage(, junkrat, mccree for example) WILL STILL KILL YOUR TEAM.

Michael Klick

You can get the ult pretty fast if you play good so don't hold back, just use it when your tank is about to bite it. You'll have it back in time for Zarya ult.

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