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PC Is there something wrong with Moira? I love her idk why she flows well with me yet...


Mary Burns

Is there something wrong with Moira? I love her idk why she flows well with me yet when the team needs healer and I go Moira someone usually swaps to mercy and strongly suggest I don’t.. is there something I don’t know?

I mean I get mercy can attach to some hips but Moira can also heal multiple at once and attack in order to heal herself.. gets me depressed when people assume a character sucks before they see how the player plays T~T ... tho I don’t mind playin what ever to fit the group/game...

Is there anyone who likes Moira? Or those that don’t tell me whyyyy?

Please n thanks guys

Michael James Foster

Moira is OP, but loads of players play her as dps and shes not

Chris Villasenor

I'm down with Moira! Keep up the good work

Jonathon Milanoski

Moira is amazing although I do feel she has a lil to much range with her attack. Follow your dreams and keep being moira

Evan Landry

She’s insane as a secondary healer. Especially in lower elo because she deals with the hard to hit squishies so well.

Dimitar Staev

As a support main there are 2 support heroes that i would pick first instead of moira and thats mercy and zen. Moira is good and all but zen burst dmg and discord is just amazing. Not to mention mercy has the best ult in the game rn and zens ult can negate blades and gravs

Alec de Vries

Mercy is safer and more consistent, which doesn't necessarily mean she's better but people have no faith in a healers abilities, imo healing is the hardest role because of your relatively passive move set, low health and prayed upon as an initial pick to start a push from the other team, also, healing is very important and helps to keep the team alive but so many people seem to think healing is for the thumbless or inadequate

Dan Hill

Sounds like some Silver/gold strats, cuz Mercy/Moira is metta

Eduardo Luis Portillo

When I Moira I need a mercy or a good shot Ana since Moira isn’t the best healer

Gino Romo

I've taken dva 1v1 a few times she is a dps and has the ability to heal just as fast or faster than mercy anyone that says she sucks has never played her

Mary Burns

Never get stuck in a room with a Moira and her health orb

Joel Baker

Mercy is op for healing

Anthony Stimac

its not necessarily that moira is a bad healer, its half because we've all had that moira that tries to be a flanker instead of a healer so we're cautious when we see one, and its half mercy's rez is still basically a must have, so not that moira is bad, just mercy is a must.

Jace Beleren

She's not a main or solo healer and they rage cause everyone knows that.

Brynn Julson

People play her as a DPS character usually in lower elos, that's why people have such a negative opinion of her. She's not OP as dps, but her healing is amazing when she's actually played that way. I wouldn't solo heal as her however. Moira works really well in deathmatch as dps though!

Shirlyn Larson

moira can out heal a mercy when there is a mercy just like a lucio but she isnt a good sub for a main healer ( mercy is like the one main healer that can heal a shit load moira and lucio can out heal her but only in a group setting like a team being on the point mercy has so much movement i can can fly every were fast and heal them moira and all the others dont have this maneuverability around the map fuck others just keep enoying moira

Will Shriver

I love her! As well as dislike playing against her when im DPSing

Keshia Patena

I find that Moira mains are too busy dpsing to heal outside of their Ult. I feel like if I'm doing 20+ healing then my secondary healer should't get to boast about "6k healing, 30k dps and 65 kills"
Unlike with Ana, whom I can run to for heals or to save my ass, I find myself rezzing Moira who overextended *while pretending she's a tank* dpsing her heart out >.<
I pretty much always find Moira out of position or by herself usually. That's not what healers should be doing lol

Scotty J-Asylum Tarantino

its overwatch kids cry like little bitches, pay them no mind

Airi Rosenvelt

It's normal to have two healers in a team, isn't it? And yeah, it's gonna be like Hanzo thingy again with Moira. But you do you, just do what you do best and carry the team c:

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