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Is 2k doing y’all like this ? always for me


John Trimble

Aye they don't think you have a right to choose how hard you want the game to be after spending money to buy the game they want to tell you how hard you can play it on and they want to make it even harder and pretend like they have not messed up my son won't play it all he liked doing on 2k17 was career as he's still young doesn't like playing against people as it's too hard playing the AI is what he liked controlling his own guy then 2k decide nah that's to easy for people we want our game to be hard well is that not the point is having other options like every other bloody game out their including 2k16 2k17 ect ect

Eric Erickson

Best way to make layups is double tap square every time or down on the joystick any other way will not go in it’s very challenging

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