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i'm sick of being in bronze... well i have been sick of it for a while now but i know...

  • Thread starter Robert Brattain
  • Start date

Robert Brattain

i'm sick of being in bronze... well i have been sick of it for a while now but i know i can't get out cause of the fact that i am forced to solo Que cause nobody is on. so my question is.... anyone on PC want to team up i play everyday

Christopher Carty

I’m actually helping my friends crawl out of bronze while I crawl out of silver. PM me your battletag

Brenden Burtz

I am climbing out of bronze with a help of a smerf that is usually plat he is helping me and someone else out so if you wanna join us PM me your battle tag.

Jamison Gunn

The thing is, solo queing isn't auto death. It's your skill bro. I solo qued my way from bronze to plat within a month. If you're bronze, you're there for a reason. Just work on you and don't blame queing solo

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