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I'm currently studying in China away from my PC but I managed to find an internet club...


Radin Hristov

I'm currently studying in China away from my PC but I managed to find an internet club nearby. Problem is being in a different timezone from Europe I can't play in peak hours. I have two options playing around 11:00 to 14:00 or 03:00 to 6:00 (French time for example). Which period do you think has more players? The first is more normal, but I see some gamers prefering the second one. I'll mainly play on friday. I'd be grateful to hear your opinion.

Yuexiang Dai

Why don’t you just play Chinese server?

Natalie Ah

Yeah either play on Asian Servers or if you stay EU I think 03:00 to 06:00 (am I guess) because between 11 and 14 I think there is school and work and stuff? Idk. .-.

Radin Hristov

Oh, I didn't know that everything account-wise stays the same regardless of region. For some reason I thought skins and stats won't transfer. Thanks for making me check that. I feel dumb now

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