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Switch I'm confused. I was looking for friends through Facebook on my switch. Once I got...


Daniel Rasmussen

Always did.

Liney DjDampz

Screw Facebook on the switch....

Chad Laparra

people in this group are so unappreciative of what they have... so spoiled having every single device and console that ever comes out they cant comprehend the concept of having just the switch and wanting the same streaming services every other console has access to. Not everybody buys every single device and i wouldnt mind having Netflix on my switch so i don't kill my phone battery. I like to use my phone for-bear with me, i know this is a hard one- I like to use it for phone calls...

Edward Freeman

Never understood why people get mad that people want soical app soical media is a big selling point in today's time the switch is an handheld the point of a company is to keep you on there system all day so if I on my switch I should not have to put it down if I want to play YouTube or fb or Twitter so nintendo might put them. If they do its a plus... If you are one who says hope they dont just don't fucking use it that plan and simple youtube is a soical app so nintendo does support soical apps

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