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I'm amazed on how many people blame being "stuck" down to team mates ect, if your good...


Wesley Searle

I'm amazed on how many people blame being "stuck" down to team mates ect, if your good you'll climb simple as that

Abhishek Kumar

You're a gold aren't you?

Zamraz Hayauddin

Well one thing I've noticed is that individually as a player Im not good. Like I can't carry the team and my stats on sites like Overbuff suck. But if the team plays well and has good chemistry; I also play well. Im more of a team player. idk if it's an excuse or a valid reason but this is what I feel

Ryan Stoops

This isn't league of legends or counter strike. There's no real way to solo carry a team of potatoes.

Zamraz Hayauddin

Yeah it's a TEAM game for a reason. Team composition is the most important thing

Joseph Milazzo

I suck I'm 2020... I'm gold... I've lost matches and gained SR. I might be better than my rank. BUT I play an hour a night...People have to realize, if they want to get much better you have to PLAY , and play correctly... I love when I'm playing with people that have 400+ hours, making basic mistakes wondering why they are still bronze or silver. Stop blaming throwers, and leavers. I've won 4-6 and 5-6 matches before... If you know where you should be , what your role is this is doable...

Krystian Tarczałowicz

This is bullshit. Im always carrying my team as symmetra or lucio and we are still loosing cuz they cant kill/defend/heal.

Levi Vogt

I'm amazed that anybody actually cares lol

Justin Gray

just takes time but you will climb, sometimes it is slow and takes many matches. if you're not clearly carrying your team to victory, surprise, the rank you're at is your skill level.

Lenny L Carvalho

I'm amazed on how many times people post this thread. God dammit.

Quintin Walker

And if you're able to differentiate "Your" with "You're" you could get even further in life
: )

Faysal Muslih

it's funny how everyone forgets it's TEAM BASED.
you can only carry so much yourself

Cally Green

Yea according to people in lower ranks here, it's always the team but never them. They're the pro player lol

If you think you're better than your group then why are you in that rank in the first place

Lusca Pah Ferreira

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Thomas Riedel

You dont. In gold (sometimes even in platinum) you can carry matches solo. Thats no problem. But in high plat/low diamond the players arent that bad anymore that you can carry games. And thats the problem

Huina Ezelburn

well I say having bad team mates is most likely having a bunch of people who leave than come back after raging or just rage quit on your team and those who stick there are serious about comp but the others who leave are just not good team mates to have. And often, you can't climb up on a 2 VS 6 even if you carry. Sad truth there.

Georgia Gowan

I remember being stuck in silver and gold during season 3 and 4. Thought I was better than I was. Now I’m in master from solo queuing. All about learning from your mistakes and learning the ins and outs of whatever hero you play.

Chris Hayward

Try not playing like a Master below Masters.

Sure, you think "well anyone can get out of their ELO", but if you're down in bronze playing like a proper platinum, you might not go anywhere. It's silly to imply that because a Master level player doesn't get stuck in bronze or silver that everyone below diamond is exactly where they ought to be. I've seen players higher than me being consistently less intelligent about their gameplay. It's about how exponentially better you are than your surrounding players, AND a bunch of little improvements very high ranking players have made that people under them haven't fine tuned (take anything below top 500 and people not far below it are probably almost just as good, just not AS good).

Bronze through platinum is especially like purgatory. Granted, if you're bronze you might need more work, even on aim, than other players. But most people are a handful of key pointers away from the next rank, especially down there....

But then you have to deal either 11 other players every game, many of whom are probably playing as badly as your worst day, and if you think you can easily climb out of that cesspool not to godhood, but JUST the rank you deserve, you have probably become obscenely good at the game compared with those people.

Guillaume Reveret

Nah this is so wrong, unless u play dps, but still, in this game u can't 1v5 unless u play gainst tard. This is not Cs where individual skill have way more impact than team play

Talonius Milamaximus

Holy FUCK that sentence structure just made the blood vessels behind my eyes burst

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