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PC if you aren't using a controller in crucible, you are at a huge disadvantage.


Marc Boggio

If you’re using KBM, just use a hand cannon like Better Devils- if you’re accurate, it’s basically has scout rifle range and the damage drop off is minimal. It’s essentially a 3
hit kill if you’re able to hit the head twice.

Chris Wicks

I use an elite controller and feel like I get my ass handed to me by everyone using hand cannons. Hand cannons are more accurate using a mouse and keyboard.

Steven Draven

If you are blind and play destiny you are at a huge disadvantage.

Clay Smith

Controller and mouse and keyboard on d2 is pretty balanced both offer advantages and disadvantages way less recoil and precise aiming balances aim assist

Raffael Vayne Kloiber

So i am a mouseplayer. Had my cousin over. Hes playing in xbone. We pkugged in the controller at the pc. He was as good, if not better than me.
i get a kd from 2 sometimes with mouse he got a 3.33 with controller.
so i guess its just a matter of choice and own preference
Only disandvantage i could notivlce was that he couldnt 180 his vow as fast as me with mouse

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