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I wonder if there's any overlap between being good at competitive physical sports and...


Sam Strelitz

I wonder if there's any overlap between being good at competitive physical sports and being good at overwatch? I play "Amtgard" every Saturday, a contact sport with durable, rigid padded fiberglass 'weapons', and I feel like it helps me think faster and react quicker, and it's good for teamwork too, and I think that helps me do well in competitive video games like Overwatch, although I'm only a 1700 in OW. Then again I'm only average at Amtgard, too.

Martín Gabriel Cravero

There's a natural predisposition towards competitivity which allows some people to shine at either sports or pretty much any type of art or activity that demands discipline, practice and concentration.

Quickest example that comes to mind: Gordon Ramsay was a great football player who busted his shoulder and became a chef.

Not sure if it applies to e-sports. I believe the wiring and demands are diferent, but competitive nature should be simmilar.

Marie Snow

My boyfriend does amtgard as well. He hasn’t went to an event in like a year but he’s super good. And he’s super hood at video games too so there def is that cross over lol

David Taylor

Many of the first competitive gamers like Fatal1ty, Cooller (Quake series) used to live and die by working out and running in real life alongside intense training "camps" (basically stay overs. lmfao). Working out and running helps relax the mind at a comfortable level. You think clearer when you are healthy too. Depending on the sport too, there might be some parallels on how a team should work together.

Chris Blau

I’m a beast at physical sports but trash at overwatch

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