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I was matching for a competition and got force-disconnected from the server simply...


Shiki Suen

I was matching for a competition and got force-disconnected from the server simply because the forced me to install an update. After installing the update, I found that I lost 50SR and got a suspension. Wondering whether such loss of SR is appealable.

Maggie Wright

I remember something similar to me
Me and 2 teammates dced from the server. And the reason I know this is BC before I dced they both left then I dced but was still in group with my friends (who told me others dced on the enemy team as well)

I also got the fail to connect to server thing, lost sr and 15 min penalty.

It fucking sucked

Niko Räisänen

Its a shitty thing that happened to many people, including myself. As far as I know, your SR gain is higher after a DC, the same way it is when you decay (?) I could be wrong

Diego Peña

It kicked me out of a game once and just out me to the main menu, I was lucky enough to conn3cr to the game as it said victory and still got the st from it

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