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I only play Hanzo in quick play in a attempt to improve my accuracy, i dont do it in...


Victoria Brown

I only play Hanzo in quick play in a attempt to improve my accuracy, i dont do it in A.I. because some troll almost always grabs a turret and wont let the a.i. team come out for other people to kill, sigh, anyway, any Hanzo tips without the hate (i know thats hard in this community lately) I want to move my Hanzo play over to comp one day, this is a example of my gameplay as Hanzo recently

Ιάκωβος Καραμάνης


Jamos Attens

Nice Aim. I am so bad as a sniper, spraynpray is my motto

Lachlan Anthony Kneeboner

If ever going into comp grab a couple of mates one being a zarya main and another being a rein or orisa
Combo into victory

For the aim just keep aiming at head level or above and you'll hit them
Tracking is kinda tricky as well
Most people will zig zag towards you
Use scatter for that

Occams Butterknife

I have a crosshair setting for all projectile characters:

Circle and Crosshairs
Thickness: 1
Length: 25
Gap: 15
Opacity: 100
Outline: I like mine at 100
Dot Size: 3
Dot Opacity: 100

Put the outside of the crosshair in front of a moving target to lead your shots. It works with any distance and at any height. I use this on Genji and can consistently land all three of his shuriken, it's how I learned to aim with Mei, and I have a slightly different one for Roadhog to lead his hook.

Kevin Goossens

I feel like people should stop "maining" hero's, go play comp and if the team needs a dps make a load scream and say HAAAANZOOOO. That is the time to go play hanzo in competitive. The team needed a healer? Then go healer :)

Kevin Thurman

Play death match. Your aim will improve much faster that way.

Shaun Spragans

Better way to practice
Make a custom game
Set it to headshots only and play against Ana bots with 120% speed

Victoria Brown

Thank you for all the great advice guys, I will be practicing, I used to be a one trick D.Va main when I first started playing comp at season 5, since then I flex between D.Va and healer and now I flex and fill whatever my team needs but truth be told I really enjoy playing Hanzo and would like to play him when other pick tanks like Zarya or Rein for wombo combos, so thanks again, I'm improving already with the tips!

Aswin Fu'ad

learn to kill pharah 1st when deff or make sure u have another shoter to help u kill pharah. if u cant kill pharah alone with hanzo, dont comp.

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