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PC I just hatch my giga egg it’s hatched twins I’m so happy didn’t expect that :000(1 is...


Vũ Nguyễn

I just hatch my giga egg it’s hatched twins I’m so happy didn’t expect that :000(1 is male another is female)I put 1k meat in each of them ( never breed or hatch gigas , but tamed 1 male giga, friend lets me breed with his female giga and hope it will be hatch female!!!) after 12hours I come back , they’ve grow up!!! But only see one still there but bloody as hell, so I check the tribe history “ your female giga lv300 starved to death” but the male is still alive( almost die too)now I got 2 male giga, but in ragnarok gigas spawn rate are rare as hell!!FML( sorry for my bad English btw)...!

Luke Skeavington

Make dodo kibble aswell if youre leaving them unattended

Sarah Butler

Prob no food left in feedinh trough. But if there that rare rates why have i sern 4 in area by bace and 2 green obi? One of witch i tamed snd rest helped to tame

Ryan Bin-jamin

Feel lucky u play a stupidly boosted server, I've had sleepless nights for the past 7 days and I'm just over half way thanks to x2 weekend.. I have to put 200 dodo kibble in each one and fill them with meat ten have cooked meat in troughs fridges full ready to instant stock when I log back on and add 400+ turrets to my breeding base just so it's not all ruined and a waste of time when some player decides he wants to kill a few baby's for the fun of it and that only gives me 6 hours offline

Nathaniel David O'Rourke

What suver you on i got some you can f with lol

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