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Xbox One I hear tales on the wind... sombra may get a Nerf to her hack because she's "OP" LOL...


Oswald Austin

I hear tales on the wind... sombra may get a Nerf to her hack because she's "OP" LOL nah most people just don't know how to fight her :p Jeff is always saying the next hero will be meta breaking but nahhh Sombra is the meta breaker imo and only because people stick to the same things. You want OP Junkrat imo.

Legit though all the characters are pretty balanced we can't go off of the the opinions of one person (me included) skill, comp, and general knowledge of the game/maps wins over minor buffs :p best buff out of the Feb update imo Mei!!! That freeze was needed and now strong af. Loving the battles I get into with mei's now :p

What's your favorite buffs and who do you think could use some nerfs?

And has anyone heard anything more on Hanzo???

Connor Parrinder

Sombra never needed a buff anyway, I'm not too fussed that she's getting a little nerf, she still kicks ass.

Liam Wardrop

it’s because pros don’t like it

Colton Curtis

I HATE the pussies that think hanzo needs a nerf when in reality he is probably one of the few that is balanced.

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