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PC I have a question for have you ever had that one person pop up on the map start...


Laura Evans

I have a question for have you ever had that one person pop up on the map start demanding you give them things because they new which I do not mind because I like to help new people out I always do

This guy last night was absolutely ridiculous I gave him all purple tools a dinosaur to get around on and armour even a purple crossbow with 100 arrows to get him started

He wouldn't leave my base for about 3 hours when I was trying to build my wall and design a boathouse he kept texting me get me food I want water give me hide give me wood give me fibre

I told him to go to YouTube watch videos on how to do everything how to build a base how to catch dinosaurs but he just wouldn't leave my bass and kept trying to join my tribe over and over

I actually got pissed off and turned off the game

Jesse Waite

thats when you either kill him or knock him out and lock him up or get his stupid ass to follow you into a small enclosure just for him

Laura Evans

Sadly its a PvE server I can't kill him but I was tempted to lead him to the alpha raptor down by the river LOL

Jesse Waite

thats why whilst he is typing you quickly put up some dino gates around him and trap him XD

Laura Evans

Lol you are an evil genius

Jesse Waite

i have dealt with his...kind... before, and once you trap him/them (once had to deal witha group of them and the server i was on had awesome teleporters so i said i was teleporting them back to my base, but instead it was a 1x1 metal box with the teleporter in it and i just walked out of the dome before it teleported so only they went in XD )

but yea once you trap them you just go offline and do some other things for awhile and usually they are offline when you get back so you can put them into a little private place

(oh and the group of 3 that i put into the metal box, well they did go offline so i chucked some armor on them (this was an eternal server) so that their food and water didnt go down and then just left them there and they even rejoined a few times but acted the same so the admin accepted it and let me keep them as my slaves in the box)

Øystein Martinsen

If u this kind still i will come to ur base too!:p

Daniel Bikesic

Whats even worse they build ther shity looking house next to your awesome bad ass base and be all neighborly..

Daniel Bikesic

Just rent your own server and dont let anyone on. Apart from people you know in real life and can trust to leave you alone. Thats what i did

Craig Stephan Parton

If someone came on my server and demanded startup items I would laugh at them until they left. Giving people anything is a bad idea. ARK is a survival game, you were never meant to start with metal tools and a tamed dino. Get used to it early

Michael Garcia

Wow! Not a survivor at all. I rarely come across these people but they are pathetic. What kind of server was this.

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