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I encountered my first ever person in comp who on the mic was telling people on our...


Stephen Burns

I encountered my first ever person in comp who on the mic was telling people on our team to how shit the dps was and how everyone should “suck my d” cause he was Orisa and had gold eliminations. We won the game but he went off on a tangent about it and couldn’t seem to let it go as the highlights went on.

When I spoke up and told him to knock it off he told me I should’ve killed more to which I told him I was support (Mercy, since I had to solo heal and I’m not overly good with Lucio or Moira). I told him for me to choose if I should heal or kill things and he told me to kill but also I should’ve healed him more and not died as much.

I won’t lie, I gave in and it started being a back and forth of stfu’s and such but nothing during the match. It was just both of us telling each other to stfu until it ended kicked back to main menu.

So, obviously I’m curious; I was in the wrong for healing and not going full on battle mercy, right?

Also, share your toxic stories and stuff.

Rey Lozano

You werent in the wrong and did your job as mercy
Sometimes you die, but you die more often if no one is looking out for you

Once, a few seasons back, i was junk in comp, and this dude went off on me, and legit said, "fine, its 5v6, just pretend junkrat isnt even here"
I was frazzled, and played semi poorly, and every so often he would prod more, "junkrat what are you even doing," as im killing enemies, "junkrat wtf are you doing"
And i, as someone who is fairly fuckin good w junk, but also wasnt good enough at many other characters back then-- if i played them, they were taken-- couldn't switch and wouldnt leave and i just had to deal w that all match

I think i still got play

But after that i wouldnt get on mic or pic junk as much bc it made me really nervous that it was gonna happen again

Dhanj Narasimhan

Good on you for doing your job and not letting toxicity control your games, too many people throw because of someone else acting like an ass

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