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PC I don't really play ark but I've notice that most tribes don't really like having new...


Elmo Lor

I don't really play ark but I've notice that most tribes don't really like having new members or prefer to keep to themselves or only with people they already know. Is there a reason why it's like that? I'm just curious... seems like different games have different cultures/communities . Some games encourages or rewards for taking in new members or playing with noobs while others are almost the opposite.

Not trying bash the game or players but just curious why the culture is the way it is?

Could it be because it's a survival game?

Zachary Smith

Because people are afraid to be insided one wrong member can take down the whole tribe and everything they built

Jordan Peterson

If they just let you in the tribe without knowing you you could just steal all of their stuff, destroy their structures, steal the dinos, ect... People do it all the time. That's how alot of tribes fall. Even if they have their permissions set up right and you can't do those things, you could easily go out and piss off someone and get them raided or do something stupid and get their stuff killed.

Alex Escalante

This is more common in PVP environments for the reasons Jordan stated. That being said, it does happen in PvE as well, and unfortunately you get little for compensation other than some advice as to how to avoid it in the future. The best advice I can give is to stay away from official servers and find an unofficial server with a strong community. Most people in these communities are more willing to accept new members.

Michelle George

i added somebody i felt sorry for to my tribe, he unclaimed the dinos, he left the tribe and took them all.. and my good armour etc, so now i am picky

Starr Duskk

Yeah, there was even a horror story on here where a guy was so cool and volunteered to do admin stuff. Even showed them he knew what he was doing and so they gave him more rights, and then he destroyed the whole server on purpose. With people like that out there and what Michelle George said, I can see the reluctance. I'm always wanting to say "Hey let's join up" and then I remember the words of warning on here, and get all "wait, get to know them first."

So I'd say just create your own tribe, make friends, show them you're cool and safe and then they might ask you to ally or join their tribe.

Aaron Calhoun

Not to be "that guy" but after reading these stories about letting people into tribe and them destroying everything and taking everything... I find myself wondering why these people did not setup the tribe settings and ranks so that they were limited in what they could do. You can set it so only admins can unclaim, only admins can demolish, setup personal pins and locks, setup ranks so they can only access certain storage boxes, setup ranks so they can only use certain dinos, ect. LOTS of ways to protect your tribe via tribe governance and tribe ranks.

Starr Duskk

nice to know!

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