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I don't particularly care if I play or get matched with children, figure we've all...

  • Thread starter Elizabeth Dieterich
  • Start date

Elizabeth Dieterich

I don't particularly care if I play or get matched with children, figure we've all been there not one of us came out of the womb at 18 years old.

But why for the love of god do some of you kids have to go on Mic just in intentionally act like a fool and embarrass yourselves? aka;

-Poorly singing into the Mic.
-Screaming into the Mic.(Gibberish)
-Sounding like you have the boon of your headset inside your mouth while you talk.
-Going out of your way to ask; "Why is no one talking?" (After doing any of those things above)
-Ask if you can hear them 20x before breathing heavily into the Mic
-Trying to sound overly 'gangster'.

I'd really like to know.
I actually enjoy playing with kids usually when their not doing any of said things above its those kids that again who feel they gotta be more edge online, more 'gangsta', more 'cool' cause then the big kids will notice me attitude, that gets you muted on my end.

Kasey Lynne

Or the best one
-Having a screaming match with their parents and not turning off the damn mic

Maxy May

They are kids, they think its normal then they grow up an realise they were douches

Carl Tice

I'm a grown-ass man who likes to impersonate Uwe Boll while playing. I've no right to judge.

Lisa Garrett

I had a very young girl and boy in a couple of my games back to back. Real sweet but very obviously young. The boy kept going “REEE REEE REEE REEE” into the mic with his raspy, partially pubescent voice. I was like omg pls stop.

Max Richards Lewis

Umm because they are kids and its a rebellious outlet maybe?

Amanda Mariah

Had a kid screaming at his sister for bogging the Wi-Fi. Nothing beats pushing a payload and hearing, "KELSEY TURN OFF YOUR FUCKING WIFI!!!"

Mandy McDonald

As annoying as it can be I just keep reminding myself that most of us were like that to some degree or another when we were young, and hell some people never grew out of it. I did shit while gaming when I was young that I cringe at now and have no idea why I thought it was as amusing as it was.

Travis Doyle

Just had a kid in my placement game was a reaper but did try and swap when we asked which was good even though they wern't a good player we as a team supported them and tryed our hardest to keep the team together even though we lost the first round of dorado we came back to hold defense just past 1st checkpoint by talking as a team and even called his ult (junkrat/bastion) for him and gave him my sound barrier so his hero could do work for him. we won the match and I hope this kid learnt something from that match that is posative and it really saddens me when i join a game with a kid who has already addopted toxic voice behaviours from previous players and i hope others out there do the same as they are the next generation of players and with a little coaching in the right places even the new kids on the block can learn to be both good ow players and good team players at the same time.

Jason Kozak

Had a Kid threaten to rape me because I wouldn't pocket heal him, his voice cracked twice in the same sentence.... this is why we can't have nice things, if I ever heard my kid joking about rape I swear to christ...

Davyn Simpson

I despise kids who scream into the mic and do all that shit

Pierrick Charlebois

I configured my nephew mic and Xbox live and shit yesterday.... now you got me thinking... I think I'll have to teach him to behave online asap

Hailey Sorrels

Ugh I tried really hard to play with a group of kids who I thought had to be ten. THESE FUCKERS WHERE 5-8. THEY LITTERALLY WOULD SCREECH DUDE AND I WAS LIKE NO FUCKIH STOP HOW ARE YOUR PARENTS NOT UP.

Emily Goodman-Pearce

Sadly a lot of the time I turn the voice volume control down if there’s those kinds of kids there, it’s too hard to focus when you have that insanely loud breathing in your ear as a support xD

Mandi Ann Caka

Maybe they are lacking some social skills that require experience to have? My sister is 11 and sometimes I find it hard to speak with her

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