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Switch I can't explain how much I enjoy playing games again. Nintendo didn't give us the...


Joshua Algarin

I can't explain how much I enjoy playing games again. Nintendo didn't give us the ability to use wireless headphones with the Switch unfortunately, I can live with that. However what they did do was capture that 13yr old boy within me. That boy who was so attached to his Yellow GBC, with Yellow EverReady rechargeable batteries and Pokémon Yellow. It was always in my backpack everywhere I went as my Switch is with me now.

Thank You Nintendo for finding that young boy within myself and yanking him out!


Carlos Ramirez

Same here, forever gamer :)

Austin Hanna

Where did you order your splatoon colored joy-con from?

Tatjana Joiner

Its awesome we have also 2 switches.

Katrin Anne

Im cheap.

Zach Freeman

Do the Japanese joycons work fine on a the us system?

Benjamin Sullivan

As I've gotten older my playtime on home consoles has gone down while playtime on handhelds has gone up. I hardly played my Wii U at all by the end of it's lifespan while most of my limited playtime was with my 3ds. Now thanks to the Switch I don't have to choose and I don't have to worry about not having 40-100 hours to devote to a console game. I can start a game on the TV and then pop it out and play portable when I need to go. I can play BotW for a bit in the morning then bring the Switch with me to work and get in 30 min during lunch break.

Everytime I play a game on my PS4 I think how awesome it would be to be able to take it with me, but then I remember I can't. It's to the point where I'd much rather play an "underpowered" / stripped down version of a game on the Switch over the same game on the more powerful PS4.

Michael Walsemann

I don't wanna be rude, but why would people buy more joycons, instead of the pro controller or maybe an arcade stick? I found the joycons to be somewhat uncomfortable, with the shorter, unprecise feeling joysticks and smaller buttons. I wouldn't spend my money just on colors, so... what is it, that makes people buy more joycons, especially considering their price tag?

Ari Ibarra

Been gaming since outta the womb. I've always been more of a PlayStation and Nintendo person.

Joar Hauge Spjeldnes

Seeing all these fresh and rich kids with their two switches, all joycons, bunch of grips and procontrollers and bunch of games! i have one switch with grey joycon and a hori stand and a couple of games, mainly first party. I was lucky i could get a splatoon 2 pro when it was released! Anyway, i'm happy with what i own!

Kenny Kuang

Same here. I never stopped to begin with. I have been playing Zelda since launch. Only the last month had I stopped playing because of girlfriend problems. My mind is so occupied. I did finish the trial of swords though.

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