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Jim Raijmakers


Jim Raijmakers

hi there,
We are looking for more players that love this game as much as we do!
People that can handle some simple rules to make life nice and fair in ark.
We don't even call them rules, it's a way of living in the Realm.
We have a pvp server but it's really soft, almost pve alike only with some pvp aspects.
We have events like the purge, it's a extern rented server with a copy of the server that runs for 2 days where you can do what ever you want without any rules. To get the full on pvp experience But there is more info for you on our fb page.

We don't have trolls, and work hard to keep them out.
Also NO rule benders and real pvp players!
So if you are one, just don't bother joining. We will waste your time.

For people who love this little info about the stats already, love the idea of a good community and love the game and the map we play!
Please join our Facebook page trough the link below.
And start reading the pinned post!
Register tribe under the specially assigned post for it and join the Realm.

Elysian Realm is our brand.
It means perfect world in our own way.
And we work hard to give the people of the Realm this!
So if your looking for a beautiful, fair and yet a little competitive new home.
This is it!

Join the fb page and read the pinned post and everything will be made clear for you!

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P.s we hold 2 servers,
1 on the island
1 on ragnarok
We run a crossark community.
That's means you can travel to both maps with, when and with who ever you want.
At this moment a ark bug is blocking this traveling between our clusters but in the future we will be able the do this again! When they fixed it.

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