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How do we feel about Moira? Personally, I'm not a fan. I think she's a very low skill...


Laeth Thomas

How do we feel about Moira?
Personally, I'm not a fan. I think she's a very low skill hero that gets too much reward for little work.
I want to see if this is just from my experiences or if it's a shared sentiment!

Linus Persson

I think she's underrated. I often outheal Mercy playing her and people shout at me saying I am the problem for not playing Mercy. She's a good hero and works in most team comps as long as everyone stays together. The most skill I'd say is needed to put in into her is orb placement and when to orb. Also when to go aggressive and when to heal, because you really need to be aware that Moira is a healer and not a damage character. I see too much people playing her thinking she's a DPS forgetting to heal.

Abhishek Kumar

I think she should only have one damage ball at a time

Laeth Thomas

I thought she already only had one..? Lol

Abhishek Kumar


Laeth Thomas

I'm just curious as to why they'd give her an auto aim primary after seeing how much hate Symmetra gets, lol
Hers is better than Syms imo.

Martín Gabriel Cravero

the ball lasts way too fucking long. if she shoots it in a bouncy closed quarter and you're inside it can 100-0 most heroes.

Laeth Thomas

I just really hate her primary fire and escape. I think she has one of the best escapes in the game, especially as a healer.
Best combat ability in class + best escape in class? bruh

Laeth Thomas

are you going to post your opinion on the matter or just post an irrelevant gif..? lol?

Luke Garside

Looks over at mercy & Lucio xD

Seif Alsahlani

Shes strong and maybe slightly too op? Hate that u can literally hold down the dmg button without any punishment and press the other button when someone needs heal. Atleast make her reload

Kevin Lockwood

She’s been my main this season she’s op in the right hands

Laeth Thomas

I don't know if I'd go as far as saying she's OP yet-- I haven't seen enough data at every elo.
What I've gathered comes from Masters level play/people I speak to. Granted, at the top level, we haven't seen her integration yet-- perhaps due to her still being new and having a less fleshed out meta than Zen/Lucio/Mercy/Ana.. etc

Josh Hayward

Moira is very skill dependant. Anybody can play her, but it takes skill to play her to her potential. She has to be played as both a healer and a damage dealer, and many forgot one or the other.

Laeth Thomas

I'm sorry, I disagree. I think she's just as simple as say, Mercy or Sym but she's given more tools. Shes a blend of the two for combat performance and healing performance.

Isn't her healing better than Mercy's too?

Paul M. Natale

i think her ult is what makes her balanced. i think it sucks imo

Mandy McDonald

The only adjustments she could probably use is ult charge speed, other than that she’s pretty balanced.

Laeth Thomas

I personally don't think she's balanced as of now, but I wouldn't nerf her yet. I could be wrong and she hasn't been out long enough for an accurate change.

Shaun Spragans

Moira is the epitome of a very average character
Her tether does next to no damage and if you're smart and kill her instead of trying to run from it it's not a problem
I'll give you that her escape is really strong
Her healing is limited and requires her to be aggressive in order to recharge it which makes things difficult during team fights when you have no barriers and you have to watch your team take damage as you try and recharge
Her orbs are strong on a single target but against multiple they're just poke damage
Remember it's 200 damage dealt spread across multiple targets and with the change that it deals damage to shields that's one more thing that can draw its damage away
Her ultimate is easily the worse out of all the supports
It barely does damage or healing compared to other damaging and healing ultimates and it's easily countered
Plus it's a channeled ult and channeled ults are always easier to deal with as long as you have fast hands

Laeth Thomas

50 dps a second sustained with little to no fall off on top of getting healed for dealing damage, lol

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