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How can I know that I suck as tank? (As dps if I did not get kills or bad ult, as heal...


Petr Krejčí

How can I know that I suck as tank? (As dps if I did not get kills or bad ult, as heal if I have low heal or bad ult, but what if I am tank?) There are some situations where enemy is moving with tons of dmg and I cannot stop them, tried different tanks but they still moving .. it may be dps fault but what if I sucks as tank how can I know this ..

Matteo Cherchi

As tank you usually know that you're bad when you struggle in creating space for your DPS to abuse

Matteo Cherchi

A notable example is soloing stuff as Winston but getting beaten hard by enemy peelers

Sabastian Barajas

When your team loses fights. Your jobs as tank is to be the leader of the team. Shield tank has priority over off tank so Orisa or Rein generally are the team leaders. You determine when the fight starts. When to push in. When to back out. If your dps are decent but are still dying it's because their tank isn't initiating properly. Your decisions determine game flow.

Mary Gimenez

Good tanking can't be measured in stats... It's all in your in-game performance.
Failing to engage team fights, being one of the first picks, not creating enough space, not proper bodyblocking, dying while diving, etc. are all signs of bad tanking.
Use that huegfuck hitbox and high HP to your favor, not against you, and you'll be a good tank.
Getting focused hard? Try a different approach, communicate with your team, always aim to protect team mates and create space; killing enemies is cool but try to establish team fights first before diving to the enemy squishies.

Dhanj Narasimhan

Starting fights, how often your team dies, and ult charge

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