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PC Horizon Lunar Colony Exploit! Has anyone else observed this? I just went up against...


Jeff Tomkus

Horizon Lunar Colony Exploit!

Has anyone else observed this? I just went up against a team where Pharah glitched the top of the climbing pillar and wedged herself in between the glass dome and the pillar itself. She flew infinitely, took zero damage, and was able to still inflict damage on the enemy team (mine). Even though we killed her entire team, we couldn't capture the point because it registered a player still on it. We lost the game due to this exploit.

Has anyone else observed this? Blizzard, please take action and correct this before it becomes a common occurrence!

Barbara Jenkins

It's a glitch known since a long time now...
Hope you all have reported her...

Mike Baird

You used to be able to do it with bastion...

Jeff Tomkus

Someone shared a link with this video, so I updated the post

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