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hi I see many posts about elo hell and matchmaking being bad and what not. but I just...


Gustav Salamontano

hi I see many posts about elo hell and matchmaking being bad and what not. but I just want to share my experience. as you can tell, I never play fps when I start in season 4. I was a bit sad to get placed in bronze but I vowed to practice and get better at overwatch. I know by no means I am the best of the best now but I think it goes to show that if you stop blaming your team and focus on improving yourself, you will get the rank you deserve. I stopped getting mad when no on pick mercy instead I make sure to do my best on what ever I play. sorry for rant but I hope this help some peoples.

Zach Johnson

How'd you stay level 62 for so long?

Aaron Crum

Man I love this so much. if everyone acted like you the toxicity would be so much less. Good job man.

John Calderon

Looks you only played placement matches outside of 1 of those seasons.

Zach Johnson

I feel tho. I used to one-trick tracer in silver. I picked up Mercy and some tanks, and now I recently hit diamond. For 99% of us, one-tricking is not intended to work.

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