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hey so im new to overwatch and i just finished the 10 placement matchets on comp, it...

  • Thread starter Tutamahuta Robit Baker Kahukura
  • Start date

Tutamahuta Robit Baker Kahukura

hey so im new to overwatch and i just finished the 10 placement matchets on comp, it gave me a skill rating of 2605. what is the best way to increase that and the easyist way to decrease it ? i main lucio, dont really play with a group since i dont always have a mic, im not to good on eliminations but usually do a good amount of healing and objective time*i play on ps4 if that makes any difference). any tips on how to up my sr would be much appreciated since im not to sure how the system works. cheers

Carter Barlow

Ugggh like I don't wanna sound like a dick but its easy to abuse the system and get to an sr you don't deserve but i really wouldn't recommend it. If you really want to climb you should get the skill first. I know this isn't really a tip but I could digress forever about this stuff

Aaron Icardi

You need to win obviously. If you keep a 60%+ win rate you will climb. Go on Youtube and watch Top 500/Pro Lucio players, you can learn alot from them in terms of hero mechanics and game sense. Also if you can record your own gameplay on PS4 go back and watch it to identify your mistakes etc etc

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