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Hey, I am searching for some tips you certain character main’ers use for these...


Nyssa Gilson

Hey, I am searching for some tips you certain character main’ers use for these characters.

I use about two to three characters in each category so I’m flexible to whatever a team could need. As of currently, my top seem to be:

Offense: Reaper, Soldier, Sombra
Defense: Junkrat
Tank: Orisa, D.VA
Support: Moira, Lúcio

But I would like tips on:

Offense: Genji, McCree
Defense: Hanzo, Bastion
Tank: D.VA
Support: Lúcio

I’ve practiced a bit of all of them but I’d like input from people that main them.

Picture for attention since I’m sure I’ll get some hell for having the Shimada brothers on my list.


As a side note, what should my mouse sensitivity be at for those that require more precise aim?

Walid Oulderra

genji tip: use ur secondary fire before every ability to put more dmg it doenst effect the animation of the ability ( dash or ult)

Eric Carman

if you play genji make sure to spam I need healing otherwise your team will forget you are there.

Nyssa Gilson

*real* tips.

Laeth Thomas

You r mouse sensitivity is dependent on your dpi.
I run 1600 dpi on a fairly large mouse pad with around 10-11 in game sense

Cole Hadley

Junkrat player here,
My advice is pretty simple.

Anyone that isn't a tank, you can shoot a grenade, and quickly toss and detonate a mine to kill an enemy almost instantly.
At all times, keep a trap at your flank to keep those tracer and Genji players out of your hair.

As for the tire always try to drop it from above. It gives them less opportunity to destroy it.

And lastly, if you're going to die and you know it. Do it by a healer. Especially Mercy, it makes it easier for your team to retake control while you're down.

Cloé Winter

As protect your healers with defence matrix if you can. Chase after low health characters. Your ult is good for clearing a point even if it kills no one. Focus snipers and healers. If a mei is freezing you, turn away from her so she can't get headshots with her icicle. Rocket boost+melee attack does a decent amount of damage. Be aggressive but always go back to your team for support and healing.

Darius Tywon Warner

I dont want to give you tips you may already know tho

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