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Hey guys, my name is Johnathan Morris and i'm starting out on building me a gaming...

  • Thread starter Johnathan D. Morris
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Johnathan D. Morris

Hey guys, my name is Johnathan Morris and i'm starting out on building me a gaming computer. All though i am studying the different parts that goes into making one, i fell like i need experts advice on making my computer. With that being said i have a question, what is it that i need to look for in finding a motherboard.

Durvelle Greene

Depends on what socket

You need a budget first that one can give options of what can be gotten

Ryan Kinsey

There's a lot that goes into it Johnathan. Could you give us an idea on your budget?

Typically speaking you're looking for stability and support all else. With that being said niceties such as better components on the board to support overclocking are important if that's relevant to you. To most here it is.

To help us define what you need in a motherboard better, we need to know your budget and what exactly you want to do with it.

Johnathan D. Morris

i was going to learn all the components i need and then save money to buy each one

Ethan Casper

The most important thing is socket types in my opinion.

Ryan Kinsey

Also understand that you're going to have to keep an open mind and develop your own preferences and opinions and we all have our own and are a bit bias. Thankfully there are graphs for everything so making determinations on decisions can come down to black and white better vs worse.

Joey EL

You need to look for a motherboard that has the features you want, can support the hardware you'll get, and has the highest quality components you can afford

This is just my opinion, but the four brands of motherboards that I look at are Asus, ASRock, gigabyte, and MSI

I have multiple hard drives, so I look for a motherboard that has a higher than average number of SATA plugs

I also only plan to use one video card, so I don't need a motherboard that has more than one pcie slot

Lastly, I look for a motherboard that has the largest heat sinks on the VR M's, as well as the highest number of chokes for longevity and durability. I tend to heavily-favor gigabyte or AsRock for this particular feature. again that's just my own personal experience

Joey EL


Johnathan D. Morris

Thanks guys for helping me ^^

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