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Switch Hey guys! I doubt many of you are aware of this, but I know I've mentioned it here lol...


Gustavo Brito

Hey guys! I doubt many of you are aware of this, but I know I've mentioned it here lol I am a huge fan of WWE and was so excited for 2k18 on Switch that I pre-ordered it. I was massively disappointed with the thoughtless port I received. But instead of returning the game and bashing them, I began to send e-mails to 2K Support, with photos and videos of everything that was wrong with the game. Yesterday, they released a patch, that fixed damn near every issue! I am happy to say the game is now PLAYABLE and actually fun! They fixed the framerate issues, the poor textures, the ridiculous slow downs in intros like Finn Balor and Triple H's, they fixed the whole part where you couldn't pick up a ladder after you knocked it down, they fixed the way some wrestlers called you by their own name instead of yours, they fixed the notifications in MyPlayer mode, and a ton of other things. I am not saying I am solely responsible, but I know there were a few dozen or hundred maybe other people who sent in glitches to address so I am part of those few who did so. There are still a few things I want them to fix, like Renee Young's awkward arm stretch in back stage, and how the game tells you to press "B" to read bulletin board, as if this were xbox, when you have to press "A" to read it instead. And smaller things here and there... But honestly, the game might not yet be "glorious" or "phenomenal" but it is definitely "awesome!"

Chad Myers

So now when playing 4 or 6 man tag team it doesn’t slow down to a crawl and look absolutely horrible?

If so you should make a video of all the improvements.

Tim Daley

The game needs Hulk Hogan and more old wrestlers! I like it tho otherwise

Cliff White

Sometimes that’s all it takes. I used to work for Electronics Boutique I met Bernie Stolar from sega I told him why doesn’t virtua Fighter have endings? He said why do think that’s important? I said it brings background to the characters it’s intro know what happens at the end. He took a note and the next one had a ending movie with the characters in it. At the next vendor show Bernie had already split and I think he went to MS during the first Xbox but that guy with him remembered me and I was like hey you guys out and he interrupted and was like you got your movie that was all you!! Lol and he high fived me I loved those shows lol

Carl Trenholme

They didn’t even get the button designations right? Wow I see why people were pissed, lazy development

Scotty Barger

Lies, all lies lol watch Enzo intro

LeoVutton Ballard

yep its slightly fixed

Spencer Harstead

Never had much trouble with the gameplay unless 5 or more wrestlers were in the match. It's slow at those counts. Fun game overall.

Gregg Cerenzio

Sweet. It's also on sale right now. :)

Tyler Craig

Is it still worth getting with the patch?

Chad Myers

Shawn‘s latest video is still saying quite the contrary. That this is still plagued with issues.


Mike Aiello

This patch is a huge step in the right direction. I noticed a big difference. I just played batista '10 vs john cena '10 in a steel cage match with entrances on and it was buttery smooth. It was also in the payback arena and in handheld mode.

The one thing I did notice is that this is the same version that was 1.06 on ps4. It was the version that introduced the "boner glitch" when wearing the generic Lesnar shorts on a cas. This was corrected in patch 1.07 on ps4 along with the hell in a cell breaking properly. I am sure that they are not done and by the time the final patch for the dlc comes out we will have a fully functioning and improved game. I would say grab the deluxe edition now while it's only 40 bucks. It is going to get much better pretty soon and they are still working on it.

Beau Roesler

I’ve had no issues since the first patch more of my problems are on the ps4 version

Lavi Absol Bookman

So the switch version of the game is finally buy able because I've been planning on getting it. But was getting put back do to how much problems there was for each update and even day one release.

Mike Aiello


Jahsino Dukes

Nice read

Mike Aiello

Gameplay. Only slowdown I see is during camera cuts which can be turned off

Bryan LaBarron

If I can play one one no freezing ,I can deal ..But I'm still disappointed

William Ryzner

it's still crap

Bobby George

You saved the game for everyone

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