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Hey did you know you can carry as tank and support if you...


Yoshi Huo


Hey did you know you can carry as tank and support if you do your job as well?
Dps can't make space
Dps can't heal themselves or the tanks (for the most part)
And most of all dps can't 1/2/3 vs 6 the enemy team
Make sure your tanks aren't being countered by their comp and know how to initiate
Make sure your supports are positioned properly and know who to heal
If you have tanks sitting at choke all game or healers only healing the tanks or focusing on doing damage and you blame the dps you deserve your rank
If you play Zarya hog into a choke heavy map you deserve your rank
If you solo tank as a non barrier tank on purpose you deserve your rank
If you pick weak healers like zen Lucio into a spam comp you deserve your rank
If you keep getting dived as zen or Ana and don't change and blame the dps you deserve your rank
If you make stupid Rez decisions as mercy you deserve your rank
And dps players it's not always you carrying and causing the win
It's no alway your support or tanks fault
It's a team game
If the team is losing then everybody on the team sucks regardless of what you're playing or who you main
Suck it the fuck up
Blaming others is only going to make you play worse regardless of what you play
It's a team game
It doesn't matter who had the medals
It doesn't matter who's carrying
Do your job and try to help your team
If you can't do your job properly whether it be initiating and making space as tank or having proper positioning or heal prioritization on support or just plain old bad aim or positioning on dps you will lose not because of one teammate or class but because the entire team is not working together well enough to deserve to win the game
If you are as good as you say you will climb
Take it from someone who has been between gold and master mainly playing support and dps and recently tank
I can flex and help the team and I have more than enough time on this game to know what the problem is with the team
What's holding me back I'll admit is my own mechanical skill not my teammates

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