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Xbox One Hello, Myself and 2 of my friends are looking for a friendly PVP server to join on...


Chase Hammond

Hello, Myself and 2 of my friends are looking for a friendly PVP server to join on Ragnarok. Preferably Primitive Plus and offline raid protection.

Bobby Moore

(4 Servers, 1 Cluster, Pure PVP Experience)

Search for "VendettaArk" on Unofficial PC Sessions and join Ragnarok, The Centre, The Island or Scorched Earth.

ORP ON (30 Mins)
2x xp
7.5x gather
100x egg hatch
8x mature
10x taming

Discord server
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Everyone that joins the server is asked to join the discord chat so you can read the server rules and also communicate with everyone on the server and get a hold of an admin if need be. This is also where you'll see the prices for the purchaseable items/dinos, rules, and events.

Christopher Grant Cates Jr


Brody Wade Canady

Welcome everyone to my Xbox Nitrado hosted Ark server, Spirit of Ark! This is a 32 slot server, but I can and will increase the slot size if the server grows beyond that. Here I will list a few rules as well as explain the stats that have been changed. I am the only admin of this server and it will remain that way until further notice (not currently looking for admins). My Xbox GT is sL Spirit so feel free to message me on here as well as the console and I will reply as soon as possible.
Is ORP enabled? Yes.
Is Admin logging enabled? Yes.
Is there a starter pack? No.
Can you be admin? No.
Will there be events? Yes, I plan on having events of some sort. Example being double weekends and purges
Will the admin(s) raid? Yes, I will be playing the game like everyone else with my own tribe.
Will there be any admin abuse? No, but I will regulate the server to the rules below to keep a smooth and clean running server. IF there is ever any other admins other than me and they abuse their power they will be removed permanently.
1. Please kill any unwanted tamed, or bred dinos until we know the stability of these servers.
2. Do NOT have a bunch of abandoned structures. If you leave an area or a starter base please demolish.
3. Avoid having dino traps scattered across the map, especially if only being used once. I do not want any clutter on the server.
4. Bases per tribe are limited to 2. Again to avoid clutter.
5. No bullying of any kind on the server. Trash talk will be apart of the game as always but refrain from taking it too far or running players off the server.
6. Please try to empty beaver dams when farming them if possible. I understand under certain situations it cant be helped and is more of a courtesy thing.
7. Tribe Limit 5. (Will change as server slots grow)
These stats are only slightly boosted from vanilla/official settings so if you are looking for super boosted this isnt for you. With the exception of certain taming/breeding multipliers.
Health: x1.5 (15 points per level)
Weight: x2.5 (25 points per level)
Speed: x2 (3 points per level)
All other player stats are vanilla.
Dino stats are all vanilla settings besides weight at x1.5
Difficulty: 6
Exp: x2
Harvesting: x2.5
Stamina Drain: x0.75
Water Drain: x0.75
Food Drain: x0.75
Taming: x3
Hatching: x15
Maturation: x50
Imprinting: x0.0464 (Full imprint on all dinos)
Mating: x0.05
Loot Drop Quality: x1.5
Fishing Quality: x5
Lay Egg Interval: x0.25 (Non-fertal)
Crop Growth Speed: x3
Cave Damage: x3
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Anthony Flores

⭐Wyvern Wars: Twilight of the Gods⭐


•Any information is subject to change and always open to suggestions and helpful critiques•


•Ragnarock Map
•20x XP
•PvPvE (both PvE & PvP)
•8x Harvest
•20x Breeding and Taming
•200x Weight for Players and Dinosaurs
•2.5x Torp, Health, Speed and Stamina for Players and Dinosaurs
•Light roleplay with Marketplace, Events and Interactive PVE areas that will be clearly marked for those who want nothing to do with PvP: the PvE people will live close to different trading centers we have set up around the map; we have a total of 4 but will be will to add more to adjust to your preference of location as a PvE person.

Many regions collide together as one... Testing the skill and cunning of each against the other. The influencers of each region forming a kingdom of their own within the new land. Every kingdom a ruler to keep their kingdom informed & most importantly protected...

•Kingdom Information •

The kingdoms are in place to bring order to the lands, rulers have been appointed to each land and govern as they see fit. 3 main kingdoms, recruiting to their own as they see fit. Openings for kingdoms will be always up for grabs & if you can start up another kingdom, you and your mates can reap the rewards of having a kingdom (kingdom starter pack). In order to establish your kingdom, you must have 3 active members at your side... Be wary though, many kingdoms are established and don’t last long, and if this is you and your kingdom falls (your active players are no longer active; at least 2 of them... we see all lol) the kingdom LEADER will be banish as persona non grata... (outsider) Kingdoms are not required to build within a certain area but must fly their colors. You are not required to join a kingdom at all. So if you’re solo and feel like doing your own thing, no worries at all. You can fly under the radar, but be warned, you will be subject to a lot of pvp. If you’re someone who really can’t fend for themselves, I recommend joining a kingdom. Anyone who abandons their kingdom will be revered as the worst sort and not welcome to join another kingdom. Persona non grata... Making strong allies is key to survival in this new world. If you are in search of a kingdom feel free to contact an admin or a keeper of the realm and You can be pointed in the right direction.

•Current Kingdoms•

•Any information is subject to change• (let one of the admins know and we can update your kingdom information and even “known information” )

⚜: The Old Godz
•Ruler: Unknown
•Colors: Gold & Black
•Known info: Veterans long term players, tight knit group, have been tribe mates since before these lands were crafted.

⚜: Odin’s Empire
•Ruler: Jesse Ribich
•Colors: Green & Black
•Known info: Tight knit group, veteran long term players, known grinders and will entertain the idea of trading. Very friendly tribe but has been known to strike with a swift hand when crossed.

⚜: The Dark Empire
•Ruler: Unknown
•Colors: Red & Black
•Known info: Some veteran players but largely consists of new blood. Largest tribe in the lands and growing quick. Known to have inhabited most of the land throughout and don’t have a central location.

⚜:persona Non Grata (Used for anyone outcasted from the kingdoms) these players will be labeled on the Facebook page and under this section.

•Player Rules•

•No spamming, solicitations or harassment.
{Permanent Ban}
•No blocking caves with artifacts or the obs. {Base Wipe}
•No killing/raiding GameMasters Inc. tribe, or pve events and community areas. {First offense is a three day ban, second will be a permanent ban}
•If you do not submit your GT to an admin through Facebook page or through messenger then you will not receive a starter pack

•Starter Packs•

Starter Packs Per Player Who Is Solo:
-150 Pteranodon
-Primitive set of flack armor
-Primitive metal tools

Starter Packs Per Player Within A Kingdom:
-Lvl 150 Griffin
-Primitive set of flack armor
-Primitive metal tools
-Paint of their kingdoms color

Starter Packs Per Kingdom:
-20 Metal Foundations
-10 Behemoth Gates & Doorways
-10 Turrets
-1k Bullets
-1 Indy Forge
-1 Chem Bench
- Lvl 150 Quetz

Currency of the land is BC. (Bushberry Coins; Bushberry Seeds spawned in from prim+) You may obtain BC through events and quests, trading and selling to to other players and by turning in metal ingots to the bank.

-Current Exchange Rate-
1k Ingots = 100BC

•Market and Shops•

GameMastersInc. will be bringing you a proper marketplace with many amenities. Prices may change as needed. More items and shops to be added!

-General Store-

Resources: (Bundle of 100)
(ex. One stack of Chintin costs 10 BC)
Cementing paste - 10 BC
Chintin - 10 BC
Crystals - 15 BC
Electronics - 30 BC
Poly- 30 BC
Oil - 15 BC
Rare flower - 10 BC
Silica pearls - 30 BC

General Items:
Canteen - 10 BC
Flashlight 35 BC
GPS - 50 BC
Spray painters - 35 BC
Transponder node - 20 BC
Transponder tracker - 50 BC

Blacksmith area:
Armor: (Mastercraft)
Fur armor - 800 BC
Ghillie armor - 600 BC
Flak armor - 1200 BC
Scuba set - 1400 BC

(Bundle of 100)
Grenades - 50 BC
Smoke Grenades - 50 BC
Turret (not sold in bundle) - 100 BC
Cluster Grenades- 200 BC
Flame Arrows- 50 BC

Fishing Poles:

Apprentice - 200 BC
Journeymen - 400 BC
Mastercraft - 600 BC
Ascendant - 800 BC
Leach blood (Bundle) - 35 BC

•Events (Near future)•

-Jousting, Boxing, Cod matches, Sniper tower matches, Races, Mazes, Raids, and of course the Wyvern Wars

•Any information is subject to change and always open to suggestions and helpful critiques.

Devin MacNeil Trivett

Ark Server GrenawdTube
We're not prim plus but we have everything else you're looking for

Lewis Edwards

(4 Servers, 1 Cluster, Pure PVP Experience)

Search for "VendettaArk" on Unofficial PC Sessions and join Ragnarok, The Centre, The Island or Scorched Earth.

ORP ON (30 Mins)
2x xp
7.5x gather
100x egg hatch
8x mature
10x taming

Discord server
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Everyone that joins the server is asked to join the discord chat so you can read the server rules and also communicate with everyone on the server and get a hold of an admin if need be. This is also where you'll see the prices for the purchaseable items/dinos, rules, and events.

Trent Kroetsch

Join FallenArk FB Page.

Map:Ragnarok pve weekday/pvp weekend

Ping averages at 20.
We want mature PVP players, players who hate trolls, and people who want a challenge in PVP instead of being able to raid bases with ease.

We have this server because we like small community feel.. we wanna raid people and joke about it and not complain.

PVP/PVE Settings:
pve from Sunday 12am - Friday 5pm mountain time. Other wise it will be regular structure damage and pvp.

Anders Birkeland Karlsen

Northern Guardians

Ark primitive+ Ragnarok PvP server

3x Experience
5x Taming
4x Harvest
3x Fortitude
5x Weight
10x Oxygen
10x Incubation
20x maturation
Increased drops/loot crates
Active admins, two time zones
No Admin abuse
Offline protection
Mature players only
No griefing/trolling


-No cave building. This means important loot caves. In and around is not allowed. First warning is base removal, second warning temporary ban, third warning indefinite ban.

- No flaming other players in chat or on Facebook. Some smack talk is okay but take fights to the battlefield. I very much encourage the battlefield route!

- No spamming.

- No griefing/trolling. This will be a close to zero tolerance matter.

- As it is a PvP server, don't completely wipe someone when raiding. Unless you are at war there is no reason to wipe someone. Be modest.

- Respect smaller tribes progress, bullies will be bullied.

- Respect the admins but treat them as players. We are most definitely open to be raided!

- No attacking/destroying/stealing from the arena!
The arena is for the server community to come together for server events. This also means no PvP in or around the arena unless it is part of the tournament/competition. Keep all personal vendettas away from the arena.
Show what you're made of and dominate the tournaments instead!
Treat the arena as sacred grounds.

-Report anything you think is admin/player abuse to admins and don't make assumptions without valid cause and evidence.

- No river/path blocking. This means blocking bodies of water. Players and Dino's must have space to move.

- No unreasonable mass construction. (See official servers for reference) No ridiculous gate spamming. Be creative with construction, not greedy.

-No valuable resource blocking.

Server will have an active arena for various tournaments and competitions including:
Archery, jousting, boss fights, foot combat, horse racing and so much more!
Arena will always be open for suggestions from players on the server!
There will be prizes to be won in each competition and tournament!

Admins are here to help keep the server fair and smooth running.
All admins have no privilege over other casual players and are themselves casual players.
No Dino's or weapons will be spawned in by admins unless absolutely necessary.

Arena will be a spawn construction to save time!

We believe in transparency. We want players to feel comfortable on our server and admin transparency is how we feel we can stay connected to players!
Our admins will be players like anyone else. They WILL NOT use admin privilege for the sake of PvP or they will lose their admin privilege.

Any issues with the server or a player, please message an admin.

We are always open for suggestions for the server! Feel free to bring them up!

Join us!
We are here to make your ark experience a great one!

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