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PC Hello I'm sure somebody already asked this but I just joined the group so I wanted to...

  • Thread starter Mariah Anne Szekely
  • Start date

Mariah Anne Szekely

Hello I'm sure somebody already asked this but I just joined the group so I wanted to ask it just in case. I'm trying to join a faction and I saw something stating that it resets on Tuesdays at 5est but when I got on yesterday so choose a faction I wasn't given the rallies quest from dead orbit.

I am level 20 with a light/power level of 264
I did the nightfall, strikes, all three mediations and I'm not sure what is wrong.

I have searched Google and only find stuff on the Sept 26th to Oct 3rd. And that doesn't help me since it's November 1st.
Please and thank you

Darren Body

Factions are a weekly event now, they're not a permanent feature.
Meaning that they were out sept 26th - October 3rd, and we don't know when they're coming back. But it's only for one week at a time.

David Moss

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UK timezone group if anyone would like to join. Clan membership available also

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