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Hello! If anyone is looking for a fun, new server (Ragnarok) to start, me and some...

  • Thread starter Patrick S. Pedersen
  • Start date

Patrick S. Pedersen

Hello! If anyone is looking for a fun, new server (Ragnarok) to start, me and some friends found a nice, unofficial dedicated server. The platform is PC.
It`s a Norwegian server, EU. Very good ping, been playing with around 13 for a while. But i live here, so.

Anyway, there`s only one active tribe there now (we, the Norwegian Tradesmen), and we are a friendly tribe.
As the tribename suggests, we like to trade. We can also provide some start up help.

The server is PVP, but we mostly like pve. Of course PVP can be fun, but raiding and griefing is frowned upon.

The server has Stack mod, S+ building mod, Classic flyers, and some scope improvement mod.

10x all.
The name will be posted under.

[NOR/EU] Plunder and Pillage 10x | S+/CFlyers

We hope to see some new, friendly faces !

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