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Xbox One Hello, I am the leader of a 6-7 man tribe, I am looking for a server that gives a...


Zach Køenig

Hello, I am the leader of a 6-7 man tribe, I am looking for a server that gives a decent starter pack, and 25-100 harvest and decent stats. If you know of any server please let me know. Thanks.

Alexis McLeod

Come join the fun on Ataraxia!

》Full PVP《
》Zero Raid Rules《
》Stats in Picture《
》Server Shop《
》Currency & Banking《
》Facebook & Discord《
》Cross Play Enabled《

1. Admins are PVE. We will never attack you, and do not have alt accounts for PVP. Admin builds are off limits - give us the same respect we give you.

2. No raiding during events.

3. Be respectful to others. No heavy cursing in global or over Facebook/Discord, and no offensive names or language.

Now you might be thinking, "Oh, great...another server. Why should I invest MY time into this?"

Welp, for one, our admin team is far from average. We do our best to go above expectations and help our players, even listen to their needs and suggestions and come to a fair medium. We aren't here to burn your hard work down. We want to build a healthy, diverse gaming group within our server.

Ataraxia has been around since Day 1 of Nitrado servers and isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It's been a work in progress building a community and server, and still is. We want to extend our community to you!

Join Our Facebook:

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Join Our Discord:

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Hope to see you there!

Kyle Kuiper

Right here!!! Check us out!


We keep it bloody in the WZ,we want your tribe big,well defended and agressive! We host daily events and allow you to choose your prizes so as to provide you what you need to be competitive

We put an emphasis on organized and scheduled PvP so you can expect to enjoy all your hard work.Offline raid protection through the week, We remove O.R.P. for the "bloody weekend"

4 servers in the cluster with plenty of places to build!
Server names:
WAR ZONE ISL (The Island)

FEATURING:Daily Events
Indoor PvP arena
Outdoor PvP arena
Death Maze
Naval warfare arena
Fishing Dock
Server store & currency
THIS is an adult 18+ community with a zero tolerance policy on whining
Password protected so no random trolls
Lots of tribes recruiting in server

There are not many rules in the WZ,but the community has a unique way of dealing with folks who demonstrate a lack of class and or sportsmanship.pick on small tribes and fresh spawns you expect to be hunted to extinction.

Don't get me wrong,We have some extremely talented PVP players in server and most of us are downright bloodthirsty savages,I'm simply saying you will have the chance to build up and we all believe in online PVP.

You can expect to be REWARDED HEAVILY for being a loyal WZ player or recruiting new players and tribemembers.

WZ will NOT CHANGE OR WIPE.The servers are prepaid and will not shut down prematurely

For admission and more details check out our FB community

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In closing.....That's what I'm offering,a community! This is more than just a cluster of servers,we are attempting to break the mold of ark's "salty pvp" and give folks a chance to have fun for an extended period of time. JOIN US!

Megan Russ

Ark Sanctuary New Cluster Server Join Today! PVP Xbox One cross-compatible with Window10
Host in charge of maintenance has been running Dedi Servers for two years.
Maps: Aberration 32 slot, and Island 32 slot, Ragnarok 32 slot, with more maps planned for the future.
All maps will have PVE community centers, complete with Green House, Bank, Stores, Hatchery, Forge and Grinder
Server setting 4x official with boosted breeding/hatching
Start Kits 1 per person up to three per tribe.
120 Tame of players choice(Anything a Quetz can carry in its claws or smaller)
150 Charge creature of players choice, or Dung Beetle for Island
Metal tools, all Master Craft Quality,(Pick, Hatchet, Pike or Sword and Shield, Crossbow, Scythe, Long Neck and 50 tranq darts, 100 narcotics, canteen)
Smithy, 2 Forges, 4x4 stone base and two beds, and large storage cabinet.
Join the Facebook Group Please, find the post about Tribes and Player names please post your in game name, gt and tribe name.
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Andrew Taggart

All 5 maps clustered
‍Adult ran‍
No admin bs
☠Well balanced rates☠
Tek bubble for your first week

What more can I say!?
Come join the fastest growing server on xbox

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Andrew Taggart


Jo Hill

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Separate PVP/ PVE Clusters

Starter Included: griffin, fabricator, chem bench, industrial forge.

Three day grace period for new tribes. Longer grace periods for solo players.

Jo Hill


Joshua Goodin


Luke Clements

Ark battlegrounds 24/7(island) starter packs in white drops 50x harvest insta tame boosted player and dino stats will be clustering server at some point soon

Cameron M Young


PVE ONLY. Great server for people who dont have time for official settings. Admins are very chill just ask for help u will get it. Rules are in the fb group. Need more info just pm me.

Here are some altered stats for both of the RAG,AB,cluster:

-Max player level is 900
-Max wild dino level is 600
-All players are awarded their 900 levels instantly upon spawning.
-All tames are awarded 900 levels instantly upon taming them.
-20x gather
-Insta breeding
-Insta hatching
-3 min mature time
-250 tame limit
-Boosted stats for players and dinos
-Boosted loot drops, fishing loot, and insanely boosted crafting skill.
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Brody Evans

Join TrippersARK cluster today.

Laid back PvP with Offline raid protection on. With a PvE white flag rule.

Current maps are:
- Ragnarok - 20 slots
- Aberration - 20 slots

Next map will be: Center or Island

Taming x15
Breeding x15
Maturation x15
Gather x15

- PvP players are not to attack PvE players
- PvE players must have white panel flags visible from anywhere outside and inside the base.
- PvE players are not to have turrets (only plant X set to wilds only)
- PvE players can join PvP but once done so they can not revert back to PvE
- PvE players can join in on the PvP events.

We offer:
- Ragnarok Community Center
- Ragnarok Breeding Grounds
- Arena events on Ragnarok (with prizes like Aberration tames and items)
- Underground Dodo Fighting (UDF) on Ragnarok
- Aberration wilds on Ragnarok
- Scavenger hunts on Aberration (Once fortnightly)

Starters are:

- Ragnarok: A Tape
- Aberration: Hide armor and a Ravager.

What's to come:
- Battleship Events
- Broodmother Mondays
- Thylos and Terror Birds on Ab
+ Many more ideas floating around to make the server more enjoyable for all.

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Sheri Roop

☠The Nightmare Ark☠
☠Clustered Nitrado Server☠
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This a great server cluster for the Survivors who don’t have endless hours to tame high level Dinos and don’t want the headache of being constantly raided. We have a great community that welcomes new players.

Don’t like PvP so much? Would you rather build aesthetically pleasing houses and breed to your hearts content? Then we also have a server for you! Our Island server is a strictly PvE map! So build and breed away! We have dino and item transfers off to prevent PvP players from storing their good loot and tames during PvP. But character transfers are on if you ever want to do Boss Battles or Ascend!
Island is full time PVE

⚔PvE Weekdays/PvP Weekends⚔
Structure damage is OFF during PvE
Ragnarok, The Center Abberation
Starter Packs
25x XP
15x Harvest
50x Taming
50x Egg Hatch
100x Mature
30x Crop Growth
⏫Boosted Player/Dino Stats
♂Infinite Weight/Oxygen
Up to level 300 Wild Dinos
Boosted Loot Drops/Fishing Loot
⛵Boosted Limits on Saddles/Rafts
Community Center
Community Events
Dino Adoption Center
‍ PvE Admins

All of our server rules are located in the Pinned Post of the Facebook Group where you must put your in game info. Come join The Nightmare today!

Sheri Roop

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Ciaran Collins


Toni Robinson

Rexperiment is the server you want ☺. Decent starter and boosted. Admin ran shop and events daily

WorldWar Ark

Welcome to the WorldWarArk Community.
Server Name: (US) WorldWarArk 24/7 PVP
Island, Center, Ragnarok
How to join our server?
-Simply change the session filter to Unofficial PC Sessions
-Then search WorldWarArk
Join our Facebook Group
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Join our Discord channel
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10x Harvest, 10x XP, 15x Taming, 50x Egg Hatch, 30x Maturation, 0.9 Imprint Timer, Boosted drops (White drops hold starters), Player and Dino Stats Boosted
Patreon Link:
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Thou Shall Not Throw Shade If Thou Cannot Throw Hands.

Heather Patterson

Newly revamped! TEK automatically unlocked! Custom ringed and cave drops to include element, black pearls, and bushberry seeds! Starters: 225 argy, tool bps, and pike bps! 3 day grace period for new and recently raided players! Weekly events! Come check us out!

✴PvP Center Map✴

*3.0 player health
*3.0 player stam
*3.0 fortitude
*5.0 crafting speed
*3.0 movement speed
*3.0 Oxygen dinos/players
*Infinite player and dino weight
*30.0 harvest
*50.0 taming
*8.0 XP
*3.0 loot and fishing quality
*0.025 mating
*20.0 egg hatch
*20.0 mature speed
*600 max dino level
*5.0 turret damage (dino)

**Store open on weekends for 1 hour a day. (bushberry currency and animal trophy).**


#1: Do not use the word "retarded" in any shape or form. This included pictures and memes. There will be no warnings.
#2: Do not foundation wipe. Keep it clean and legit.
#3: New players have a 3 day grace period starting when you join the server (white flag).
#4: Raided players have a 3 day grace period after being raided (white flag). Picture proof of raid is required. You forfeit the grace period if you begin an attack before your grace period is over.
#3: Do not raid the admins: They are strictly PvE and do not participate in raids. No warning. Instaban if admins are raided and/or killed. Admin names and tribe names will be put in pinned post. Please pay attention to them.

Have fun and raid on!

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Daniel Mize

Our cluster is 10x gather, we have ragnarok,aberration, and island, starter for rag and island is a lvl 100
griffin, asc tools and a Indy forge

Pve weekdays pvp weekends

SERVER: pond squad

Brad Mclaren


This server is PvP/PvE any PvE players please place white flags

The server will be set to RAGNAROK


Small-medium dino of your choice with ascendant tools and armour


* respect all admins
* respect members that wish to be PvE anybody who raids PvE will get a ban
* any PvE members caught raiding will loose the white flag option and be instant PvP don’t think we can’t find out if u have raided I’ve made it so all admins can check
* in game currency Black pearl

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