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Hello group! So as of the end of last season and this current season I've been playing...


Angel Santini

Hello group! So as of the end of last season and this current season I've been playing a lot of Reinhardt! Honestly tho, I've had a lot of fun playing as him but j still kinda need advice.. I'm a dps main but playing Reinhardt is very satisfying! So if y'all have any advice or tricks for him, ill gladly take em. I am on console though..

Eddy D. Newgate

The shorter your charge the better and the likelier it is to hit. So use that charge when your opponents close and don't use it too early, use it if your sheild is failing and you need to push

Mike Wang

All your plays should revolve around shield management. You NEVER want to have a broken shield, even if it means dropping the shield at 100 and never bringing it up again until it recharges. This is because as long as you still have a shield, you can still block pulse bombs, self destructs, one widow headshot, you get the idea.

Call our shield health at different intervals, also call out when you need to drop shield. If you don't have mic then ignore this point.

Only Shatter when you know that you can get the kills from it. A full team shatter is a waste if you don't get any kills.

Don't ever charge into a choke on the attack unless your team is playing dive or you have a support ult to back your charge up. If you blind charge into a choke defense, you will die.

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