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Guyz r u ready for Intel i9, it will cost ur brain


Hugo Selgado

Why is everyone on this damn forum flipping out over fukin threadripper and i9. Its a fucking enthusiast chip that accounts for maybe 1% of the PC market. Please shut the fuck up about it already because 99.9% of you talking about them can't afford them and don't need them to browse Facebook and comment all day. Jesus.

Hugo Selgado

I remember when the damn Ryzen 7 launched and most Intel fans as well as some AMD fans were all about " oh you don't need more than four cores because gaming doesn't need it" now all of a sudden as Intel has their enthusiast chips coming out, everyone and their grandmother is acting like they are gonna buy it. These chips are in no way for gaming kids. Nobody is gonna waste cash on them for gaming Even though Intel has 4 core X series chips that are the same old skylake chips with a new motherboard that will cost you a ton more plus a new cooler.

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