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Guys, I dunno how I feel about this... but I purchased PUBG last night, despite saying...

  • Thread starter Alexander Wilson
  • Start date

Alexander Wilson

Guys, I dunno how I feel about this... but I purchased PUBG last night, despite saying I'd never buy (And I quote) 'That unstable, overpriced excuse for a half-finished demo'

So, I had a friend around yesterday with his Xbox One X, having recently upgraded from his Xbox One.
Having seen how utterly TERRIBLE PUBG was on the standard 'One', I was curious to see if his 'One X' would make it better, and it did! Not loads, but much more 'playable' at least.
I then got curious... I had a few quid to burn and I thought 'fuck it... I'll have a laugh at how broken the game is.

And now... I feel I have to retract a lot of my previous statements!
After playing a few matches last night, I didn't experience a single glitch, the game was running smooth in 4k max with a 1080ti and it was all rather 'fun'!

The tension was great, it looked surprisingly pretty too! And honestly, it all played to what I would expect a £25 game to play like!

I probably won't play it all that much if I'm honest as I'm more of an RPG player, but all in all, from what I can see, either people have been unfairly bashing the game... OR the developers pulled their fingers out their ass and made the game much more focused.

What are your views on PUBG? Do you think it's a trash game? I was quite surprised :)

Greg Abney

Since the big update with the new map, its been a while hell of a lot better. Almost constantly at 144 like I should be. The servers are still a little iffy at times, but overall, I'm happy with how it is.

Timothy Lee

Its a glitchy mess but I love it. I would pick pubg over fortnite any day.

Alexander Wilson

I will say though... with the PC version being pretty decent, they REALLY need to fix the console version... I feel they deserve a lot better than what they got.

James Roth

Lol everyone says overpriced game. It’s $30 you peasants but I bet you will all still pay $70+ for a call of duty.

Timothy Lee

Nope I only paid $60. Also side note calling people peasants makes you sound like a self entitled child.

Pedro Freitas

BEST GAME EVER... i would pay 100 dollars to paly that '' shitty game''..over 700 hours played.. it's a new game.. wait for one year from now.. u ll see the THA BOMB.. U KNOW The WAY

Lewis Kiltie

Anyone saying that pubg is a mess, glitchy, broken, runs badly has either never even played the game or hasn't played it in about 6 months

Timothy Lee

I play it on console Xbox one s. I waiting in getting my PC till taxes. So when I say glitchy I'm not talking about the pc.

Charles Flynn

I love the game and have done for a while, game has always played ok for me on PC, although im not the one to whine on when a game doesnt meet my expectations.

Jon Wallace

It was much better before its actual release I'd take glitches over cheaters every single match anyday. Once they put global blocks on certain areas to play with people near them itll be a much better game but until then its filled with cheaters and people with terrible ping who shoot around corners

Brandon Hicks

Better than launch. I was the few that had it during beta. And it’s come along way. The devs actually care for the game to add the fixes we need, and they add extras for us to try in the test servers. It’s just how others are viewing it to peers.

Joe Scaletta

The game is good
Its idea is perfect
But it is still not that much playable for me
But i did not leave it yet everyday playing it

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