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Guys I’ve started implementing a policy, if my entire team doesnt join team chat and...


Bilaal Ijaz

Guys I’ve started implementing a policy, if my entire team doesnt join team chat and give me a round of applause every time I get a kill, I don’t kill things or even shoot at anything. I haven’t won a game since I’ve started this policy - but I’m confident my team will get the message soon! Appreciate your snowflake dps! We’re needy! We’re important! We need attention!

And before you guys start saying that I’m throwing for not playing the role I selected, guess what, wrong! Remember I said it’s a policy so that means it’s not throwing!

How many of you guys are gonna try out my policy??

P.S. I’m also working on another policy where if my team doesnt instantly lock 2 tanks and 2 healers before i even load into the match, I will just throw myself off of the map all game. This should be a very effective way of getting better team comps :)

Isis Adeline May

Hang in there. It'll pay off

Bilaal Ijaz

(This is a copypasta meme btw before everyone gets triggered)

Javaad Ijaz


Abdallah Kazi

That rein policy was the best thing to happen in this group <3 Gonna make my own policy soon!

Isis Adeline May

Guys I’ve started implementing a policy, if my entire team doesnt join team chat and give me a round ⭕⚫of applause every time I get a kill, I don’t killthings or even shootat anything. I haven’t won❌❎ a game since I’ve started this policy - but I’m confident my team will get the message ✉✉✉soon! Appreciate❤❤ your snowflake❄❄❄❄☃ dps! We’re needy! We’re important!

Isis Adeline May

You can thank me later

Jodi Szowcsuk

Amg yu r such bad man

Chin Hsien Tan

Guys I’ve started implementing a policy, if my entire team doesnt join team chat and give me a round of applause every time I get a kill, I don’t kill things or even shoot at anything. I haven’t won a game since I’ve started this policy - but I’m confident my team will get the message soon! Appreciate your snowflake dps! We’re needy! We’re important! We need attention!

And before you guys start saying that I’m throwing for not playing the role I selected, guess what, wrong! Remember I said it’s a policy so that means it’s not throwing!

How many of you guys are gonna try out my policy??

P.S. I’m also working on another policy where if my team doesnt instantly lock 2 tanks and 2 healers before i even load into the match, I will just throw myself off of the map all game. This should be a very effective way of getting better team comps :)

Heidi Todd


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