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PS4 Does anyone use 3 ps4's? We had 2 (my son's and mine). I just upgraded to the ps4 pro...


Jason Clark

Does anyone use 3 ps4's? We had 2 (my son's and mine). I just upgraded to the ps4 pro and I'd like to have it also set up right next to the pro so I can use a second character for metal runs or whatever.

My son's ps4 is currently set to "my personal ps4 so we can share games. Is there anyway through subaccounts or something that I can have ark playable on all 3 ps4's?

Martin Dijkhuizen

No. You need to buy the game again.

Rigoberto Ramirez

What he said ☝

Richard Patterson

yup you have to buy 2 copies of ark and psn plus on 2 accounts sub accounts only get carreid on 1 and only 1 ps 4 and must be set as primary and sub accounts on ps 4 number 2 and number 3 require psn plus to connect and play online (digital can carry to ps4 number 2 if u have a psn plus active for that sub account ) for ps4 number 3 for ark it reqiures the game ( new copy ) and a plus :: you would have 4 active character for ark

Aaron Tanner

I bought the game on my ps4 (digital) and account share with my bro on his ps4 and we have played the game together online, we need two ps plus subs but you don't need to buy the game again

Richard Patterson

i own 3 ps4 have destiny / eso / ark my brother owns 3 also so these 3 games have been tested on all 3 ps 4 s / reg / slim / pro

Martin Dijkhuizen

It's simple. It's not possible by the game again. U can only play the game if the main account have the game than u can link a other account to the ps4 so u can play it with that other account. So 1 game for 2 ps4. Everything else is a lie. I contacted Sony about this earlier cause I think it's bullshit

Rigoberto Ramirez

Before when ps4 first came out you could do it up to 3 but ps4 modify it into only allowing one account to be shared in between 2 PS4’s only.

Adam Franklin

Actually yes there is

Adam Franklin

Did u download ark onto one of the ps4’s?

Richard Patterson

do you need or want 4 characters active at once ??

Richard Patterson

3 characters you need 1 extra psn plus account for 4 active character you need 2 extra psn accounts // 2 digital copies can work primary shares 1 copy // then dig game 2 goes on ps4 (b) you carry from ps4 ( b ) to ps 4 ( c ) 3 rd consol any sub account on ps4 b and c wiil need an active psn plus account

Richard Patterson

this holds true for eso / ark / destiny 1/ destiny 2

Daz Barter

Should be a thread where single player gamers add each other to help out on each others server for things like metal runs or boss runs,iv just recently started my own server unofficial so I can do my own thing for a bit and learn every aspect of the game as my alpha tribe is awesome but they have done so much i still feel newbie in some parts of the game,so if you want to add me to just jump on and help out feel free to but iv looked and we are 5 hours apart which could be a problem

Joe Jacques

Can use Account Share to get all games your main account has bought for free and the PS+ Sub.

Make your Sub Accouts PS4 your Primary PS4 and Make your Main accounts PS4 your Subs Primary.

Then you can just Sign onto your main account on your Sub PS4 and all games will be avalable.

This only works with 2 accounts so 3rd you'll need to buy Ark + PS+ for the 3rd

Paul Newton

Just set the account with the game on as primary for all consoles in the house. Will work on more than two as IP addresses will match. Therfore it's allowed. I do it with my two mates. Do it with ark and fifa18

Darin Fenstmaker

One feeds and watches babies. One on a resource run. And one on. A meat/berry run.

Kyle Ezekiel

I do the same I build my second character around crafting skill too make badass equipment for main tribe characters

Kyle Ezekiel

Or just ally with him and boom extra 250 dino cap for kibble dinos

Danny Micheal Middleton

If you have it on downloads on your ps4 u can games share to another ps4 were both of us can play same game it's easy to do

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