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PC Does anybody think that they should increase the requirement for comp?

  • Thread starter Sheldon Nwadike
  • Start date

Sheldon Nwadike

Does anybody think that they should increase the requirement for comp?

Sotiris Kak

Nah. Find a bunch of good teammates and play the placements with them and if you worth to be placed in a high rank you will. Then in high ranks most of your teammates will be good enough.

KyriaKos Kinatidis

Do you mean the level? For sure. 25 is too early for new players. But they need tp make it 25 for someone that ia smurf (verify their other account somehow)

Naikele Tavola Gagnon

its the purpose for ranks

Andre Hamilton II

25 levels is a pretty fast climb but at the same time when you're new you should try at least 75% of the heroes. By the time I was ready for ranked I knew who I liked best and who I hated at the time.

That's changed slightly and I no longer hate anyone but I still don't get Zarya (her left click range animation is very misleading for one thing.)

I think anyone that has a decent grasp of the game will easily place ~2k.
I started playing October 1st

Evan Landry

No, the game is just that, a game. It is for bronze and pros alike. If someone wants to do comp, let them.

Anastasia Abbruscato

They should read a overwatch guide to what makes a player valuable. Like not being a one trick, or leaving everything, or keeping your political views to yourself, how to learn when a character just isn’t working.

Nicolas Juliao

They really should break it down by age tiers. Most of the reason comp sucks is playing with kids that say, "I've never played with McCree, please cover me so I can kill them all..."

Johannes Dimdar

No there are some of us that don’t have hours and hours to do quick play and move up on rank. I’m at 70 but have a 3000 comp. so no it’s something we have to deal with.

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