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Xbox One Do you think you're the best at Ark, the best builder, raider, defender? Are you...


Cody Thomas

Do you think you're the best at Ark, the best builder, raider, defender? Are you looking for a different challenge? Looking for a different style role playing Ark?

Long in the distant past, a star fell to the ground amidst the forest. Curious, a group of hunters tracked it to its resting place.

Taking it in their hands gave them extraordinary power - undying, they set forth and named themselves rulers of the land. They locked away their secret and

After a millennia of peace, one of their number, Rockwell stole the precious gem and began to experiment upon himself to gain ever more power.

When the others realized what he had done, they rode into battle against him.

The ensuing war gave them a name: The Four Horsemen. Where they rode, despair followed.

After many years of bloodshed, they finally banished the Aberration Rockwell, but not without great harm to themselves. In using the power of the stone to rid the world of Rockwell, they too had become twisted monsters, and no longer held the trust of the people.

Grieving, they left their once perfect world behind, using only what they knew was engraved upon the stone: ARK IV.

Taking with them only their most trusted lieutenants, they found themselves in a strange world, with strange beasts. They built a perfect world anew once more, and then vanished into the night. Their heirs live on, bearing their names and ruling the kingdoms they left behind.

New kingdoms have risen and fallen as strangers appear on the shores of our strange new world - but war, pestilence, famine and death still remain.

Can you wrest the title of a horseman away from a God? Or will you choose to establish your own lands in this strange world you have awoken into?

Primitive Plus
No Flyers
No Foundation Wiping
No needless killing of tames
The server is password protected
18 and up age limit.

Game Play

We will have 7 Kingdoms, 1 outlaw faction, and free areas under no kingdom protection. Each Kingdom is split into 12 sections, each section is "stealable"

The point is to take over the most lands!
Raiding will not be done in the normal sense of raiding, where you try to break in and steal loot.

Raiding will be done on a points system, you will win currency and land.

The kingdom with all the lands wins!

You must declare war/ raid 2 hours before hand. We will have an unbiased 3rd party to keep score.

Killing a soldier is 10 points
Capturing a soldier is 15 points
Killing a knight is is 15 points
Capturing a knight is 20 points
Killing the king/queen is 25 points
Capturing the king/queen is 30 points
Stealing the Kingdom Trophy is worth 75 points

is done when the attacking kingdom has reached 200 points or when the defending kingdom has reached 125 points.

Each of the seven kingdoms is responsible for one shop, Kibble, Armor, Saddles, Weapons/Tools, Utility Dinos, Mobile Attacking Dinos, Raiding Dinos.

Examples of dino shops:
Utility Dino shop; Doedic, Anky, beaver....
Mobile Attack Dinos; Equuis, Thyla, Spino....
Raiding Dinos; Bronto, Paracer, T-Rex

The other shops will be given BPs of different levels for shop production, Kibble bank will be given tames Flyers.

Each Kingdom will be given a starting coffer(money)

There will be in game currency(bush berry seeds) used for all transactions.

Buildings should be built for both looks and defensive durability. We did turn up structure durability, since raids aren't all about getting into the base and getting loot! We are looking to have impressive castles, shops, and other buildings within each kingdom!

The 7 kingdoms are allowed to crest laws within their own kingdom, outlaws are not bound to any laws, only the 3 main rules of no flyers, no foundation wiping, no needless killing of tames.

The free people and the outlaws are not able to expand their lands through war.

Tribe limit is 25, any tribe residing within a kingdom has to be allied and working with the ruling tribe.
Tribe dino limit is increased to 350 to allow for sellable dinos.

Each King/Queen will sit on a Map council the free people will choose one person to sit on the council, the defacto leader of the outlaws will have a non voting seat on the council, only to vote in a stale mate. Council will be for any unresolvable disputes or breaking of rules.

XP x3
Taming x5
Harvesting x5
Baby Mature x16
Egg Hatch Speed x20
Human and Dino weight increased

Everyone is required to sign the pinned post.

Once you join a tribe and kingdom need to add to the pinned post.

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