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Do people not understand that Brigitte has a cooldown for her healing? I was trying...


Saje Captor

Do people not understand that Brigitte has a cooldown for her healing? I was trying her out in QP and I healed a Rein and within seconds he was on crit again spamming for heals when I literally couldn't... I had my shield up to protect me, y'know, cuz that's what it was there for. I died and realized I might not be able to solo heal as her so I switched to Moira and then Rein went abusive in the chat yelling at me to "not be a tank, you need to heal" and I said I have a cooldown, I literally couldn't heal him. He kept yelling at me that I was just a liability to the team and everyone else joined in before I even got the chance to start healing as Moira... Was I at fault? Did it sound like I was doing something wrong? I mean, I literally couldn't heal, I can't just magically make the cooldown go away? I know it's just a game and I'll never play with those guys again probably but that kinda shook me up because everyone was screaming at me for not healing when I was the solo healer with a cooldown. I didn't even get a chance to try to be Moira and make up for the lack of heals when literally four of them were screaming at me to just leave.

Will Gaines

Brigitte can heal without her e though?

Will Gaines

Like it's literally not that hard to hit someone to trigger her passive healing

Kelly Sophia

I wouldn't worry about it, some people default to being toxic and don't care whether they're right or wrong just about being a dick. It sounds like you did the best you could, getting used to Brig's pretty unique heal style is gonna take some time and even then you're always gonna have people who want you to do the impossible as a healer

Tyler Ross

If your team is relying on a Brigitte for main healing for a Rein your comp is fucked anyways

Ahmed Abdel Nasser

there are many toxic people in this game and you just got unlucky to be matched with a full group of toxics
it doesn't happen much but it does happen and did happen to me a few times
don't over think it, you didn't do anything wrong and if someone start yelling at you just mute them

Henry Cain

That's what your R O C K E T F L A I L is for

Kelly Sophia

Yeah Brig really is not a main healer. I'll repeat this again not in a sub-comment, I've been in many situations where my team is too spread out or enemy team just died and there's nothing for me to do to heal except wait on E cd. Unless I wanna go hunt down enemy team at spawn and suicide. It does happen. You did your best.

Sebastian Tichenor

Yeah she's a Hybrid, a weaker of combo of 2 'classes'

Kc Phan

Goes in and attack the enemy so the team will heal > team complain about you rush in and don't heal.....

Kylie Morgan Lee

1, it's QP. 2, next time they want heals they can do it themselves. 3, you weren't wrong. 4, exercise the shit outta that mute and report button. 5, fk em, take some time to chill and don't let them stop you from doing what you want.

Pond Pongwat Hatthapronprakhun

How to live a happy life in OW 101
**Do not take QP seriously**

Petr Krejčí

U need to do dmg to heal all around so close to rain he must aproach enemy with u with him and then dmg dmg dmg ..

Ares Tony Fiumicelli

Lmao people taking quick play seriously. Today I met a Genji that flamed our Ana for not nanoboosting him. The Ana was indeed pretty bad, but all things considered who gives a damn about QP results

Sam Wolfe

Brigitte can heal constantly if you actually do damage.

Holding your shield up all the time is a bad strategy because if you're doing damage you will be healing yourself at a constant rate. Granted using the shield to defend yourself and push or stun is always good, but only when it's necesarry.

You can definitely go in by yourself and stall just as hard as a Lucio can, but only do that for absolutely necessary emergencies.

Another thing you'll want to do is constantly spam "GROUP UP WITH ME." That chat command is a Brigitte's best friend.

Finally, do keep in mind there's a mute button. I mute people constantly. Sometimes I don't even mute toxic people I just mute someone cause their voice is annoying. Use that mute button like crazy it'll improve your experience.

So unfortunately yes, you're the one at fault here.

Amber Ochoa

Bitches gonna bitch. People bitch about mercy rez cooldown when you can't rez the whole team cause clearly they're more important than anyone else and freak out if you don't choose them. Then start spamming I need healing though it's obvious af especially if you have your kill recorded on that I either died or already rezzed. But let's also not forget that people also bitched at the amount of rezzes she had in the first place. Honestly no matter who you play you're gonna get bitched at sooner or later. Some hero's not as much as others but you'll still hear your fair share of you not doing your job.

Malachi Ward

Mute them. Play the game. Have fun. Problem solved

Miguel Angel Opazo Arancibia

I have been playing Brigitte a lot and she cannot heal that much. It's really heard to get gold healing if you are not solo.

She is really squishy too, so it's hard to hit for heals for your team without diying.

Dhanj Narasimhan

If anyone flames that much in qp they're probably hot garbage anyway

Adam Lane

People just spam healing because they're cunts they don't bother to think about who the healer it's or the limitations of said healer they just get low and spam that comms

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