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PS4 did you see the video on farming chests yet? small family youtubers but decent videos...


Howie Mosher

did you see the video on farming chests yet? small family youtubers but decent videos and they desever alot more subs !

David Inman

Why is cheesing the game a good thing

Dustin Lewey

Good shit

Howie Mosher

i hope to help people will fulltime jobs that only get to play afew hours or less a day. not everyone gets to play as much as we do and i rather help other out then try to be better then them .. just saying

David Inman

To each their own but cheesing the game in my opinion is just a no no. Why even play if you're going to not do it as intended and take short cuts. But that's my thoughts not everyone's and I'm no one and I have a full time job lol

Howie Mosher

i wish you the best david in however you play any game. just a reminder games are made for fun and getting there loot faster is fun for someone and not you then that fine take your time playing if you have fun that way :)

David Inman

I don't feel it takes a lot of time to get loot I have three toons 2 on xbox and 1 on ps4 all 278 to 282 and no cheesing lol. And I have 40 hr a week job and a family. But ty you too. Just a new breed of gamers that are lazy (in my opinion) everyone want their gear right away with no effort no a days. Wow even dumbed down for the same reason lol. I think at least. Anyone that wants to run anytime though hit me up if I'm free I'm game. Good luck all!

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