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Xbox One Define admin abuse..... Admin goes around checks on people...makes sure everyone is...


Aj Terry

Define admin abuse.....
Admin goes around checks on people...makes sure everyone is mildly happy, gives out gear at some will be perpetually angry it seems lol
Or spawning in a bunch if stuff as a pvp player that nobody else has the ability to obtain for the purpose of "dealing with trolls".

Ricardo Ulfe

Admin abuse to me is... any command that can be use for self gain, gain of friends, or tribe gain. Along with that also comes with the server rules.

Ricardo Ulfe

If there is a server rule with no trolling or whatever, regarding trolling. Then that is just managing server.

Jacob Lee Brown

Using admin to benefit self. Like to help raid, PvP, etc. If you spawned it in then you are admin abusing. I been admin on a server for year and a half. You will get complaints whether you play legit or not. We even have command logging on to prove nothing is spawned in. Still people claim admin abuse when they suck at PvP. I've had people kill me and get all my equips and then try to say it even after they seen I was rocking all primitive stuff.

Ricardo Ulfe

If you have a good community and you follow up with them and they know your mentality and your points of view as admin abuse then it should minimize complains.

Jacob Lee Brown

It's does. Only the salty players complain.

Justin Nfektious Gamez

Admin abuse is any time someone gets stomped......even if the stomper isn't admin lol

Ricardo Ulfe

Yes, you can kick and bann

Jerry HAwkins

Spawning in gear to handle trolls is an admins way of giving that troll a chance(even though its small) to defend theirselves. We could litterally walk up in god mode and claim your tribe and remove you. Thats no fun though

Hayleah Amara Leonard

We have 3 admins and one of the admin tribes was seen raiding pve bases twice. So my tribe and the tribe who witnessed the raiding went over to their iceberg base with the intention of breaking in and taking some stuff and reminding them that raiding pve is not allowed. Soaked bullets and broke in only to find they had spawned vaults upon vaults full of explosives, ammo, weapons, and riot gear. Handed it out to the guys and let them foundation wipe them. We still have the rest of the spawned stuff at our base but we have agreed to keep it locked up in the event that we get any more troublesome people. In my opinion what they did is admin abuse. Anything you make use of that gives you an advantage. We admin paint our tames and others for them as well. I go around leaving cave drops on land in some areas. Using commands is fine so long as you keep it fair. But its abuse when you use it to keep yourself from losing or being raided.

Brandon Ackers

Admin abuse is when your crafting 1000 advanced rifle bullets and then all of a sudden 300 leaches just pop through your ceiling and kill every thing you got,,,, yes this happened to me

Centree Meyer

Doing anything outside the rules I set. If your server doesn't protect you or have rules for their admins then it's not really admin abuse...

Brandon Warnes

Admin abuse is ABUSING your power as admin, example would be going in god teleporting to players and killing them, or spawning in gear and raiding people with that gear, that is admin abusr

Avery Andronyk

on the server i play on theyre isnt even admins cause the power always gets stretched and owner doesnt have enough time to be sole admin and it runs juuust fine. Most admins abuse, wether its little things or not, even starter packs i disagree with cause you get situations like where servers reset and my tribe and the other big one got an indy forge and tools and beaver and beaver and it felt really unfair cause most the small groups only got beavers n tools

Avery Andronyk

And stuff for "dealing with trolls" is BS. what happens when an admin d/c full of element, you bet your ass i stole a shit ton, shit was inside a small storage underneath a stone foundation out in the water before buddy could even reconnect, its best to just not have stuff around

Jacob Lee Brown

We have two admins. No spawning in stuff allowed what so ever. No starters. Nothing. You put in a code that isn't a dino wipe or to wipe brontos then I ban you on the spot. I believe in fairness and everyone to have the same chance. There are no rules on raiding. If you got raided. Tough. Deal with it. Hide better. Grind faster. PvP better. Etc. No whining allowed.

Matthew Lohan

Admin abuse to me is using commands to either spawn in things like lvl 10,001 gigas and using them just to dick people over or even just going to a base and using commands to just auto-wipe, turning on god mode and infinite stats during PvP situations is also bs

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