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Can anyone help me with this This piece of crap pc needs to be fixed but it's not...


Michael Moller

Can anyone help me with this This piece of crap pc needs to be fixed but it's not switching on. I don't know if the motherboard is fried or not. Please help

Kevin James Contratto

Check all your cables to see if they are in snugly. If nothing if go for the power supply first and see if you can get one from a friend to test with if it works then you need a new power supply then I'd go to motherboard. Is the switch on the back of the power supply flipped off by accident.

Kevin James Contratto

Also be a good idea to check thermal paste on gpu under heatsink fan cooler

Rob Wolfman Jack Whiteman

check to see if theres a switch on the back and make sure its on. i know it sounds daft but ive had people make that mistake before. failing that, start with the fuse in the plug first

Jake Kram

unplug the 24 pin connector and use a paper clip to short the black and green wire that are right next to each other. if the psu fan kicks on the psu is atleast still alive ISH(could have a bad rail still need voltmeter to test). if that works then unplug the power switch and manually jumper the pins for power to check for dead switch. if psu is good and those are still working right then yes probably mobo

Vishwajeet Panwar

you just misplaced cables 1 wrong and it won't start check if GPU fan starts , CPU fan starts , PSU fan starts

Richard Robert Kershaw

Start from the power supply and work inwards.

Drew Leonard

IDE ribbons. 4 pin cpu power.. this pc doesnt "need" to be fixed it need to be thrown in a dumpster

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